Fall flowers for hanging baskets: Suitable plants for hardiness zones 5, 6 and 7

We have already explained to you how to create an effective autumnal oneArrangement for the bucketsput together. In today's article we will now explain which plants are suitable for planting hanging baskets. These are the most beautiful autumn flowers for hanging baskets!

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: 3 important questions

Garden centers sell a variety of ground cover plants,Autumn flowers and perennialsoffered. Before you become fascinated by their vibrant fall colors, you should answer three important questions that will make your choice easier.

1. How often can you water the plants? If you don't have enough free time, you often forget to do it, or the hanging baskets are simply difficult to reach, then you should choose plants that can survive without watering in the cold season.

2. Is the hanging basket hanging in the shade, in full sun or in a sunny location? The majority of hanging baskets hang in a sunny to semi-shady location because the roof of the terrace or balcony casts shadows on them.

3. Annual or perennial plants? Annual plants are often not hardy. You have to replant the hanging basket every year. Perennial plants need to be hardy so they can survive the winter outside.

If you're afterPlants for your hanging basketIf you are looking for a plant, then choose short-growing varieties with drooping shoots. Group odd numbers together: five types of plants look much more harmonious than six or four and you can better estimate the distance between individual plants.

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: The winter hardiness zones serve as a guide when purchasing

When choosing autumn flowers, their winter hardiness also plays a role. Depending on whether they are frost hardy and what sub-zero temperatures they can tolerate in winter, the plants are assigned to a suitable winter hardiness zone. This division serves as a guide and is an important indicator of which plants can be cultivated in a region and which cannot. There are a total of 11 zones, zone 1 has an upper temperature limit of -45.5° Celsius and is therefore the coldest. The plants that thrive there can survive the winter even at -45°.

Zone 11 has a lower temperature limit of + 4.4° Celsius and is the warmest. Exotic plants that tolerate heat and strong sunlight well grow there.

For thehome gardenPlants that belong to climate zones 6, 7 and 8 are interesting. The lower limit of climate zone 6 is -23.3°, the upper limit -17.8°. Germany is in hardiness zone 7 and the minimum temperatures in winter vary between -17.7° and -12.3°. Plants that belong to climate zone 8 are only partially hardy in this country. The lower limit of the zone is -12.2°, the upper limit is -6.7°.

Plants that belong to hardiness zones 1 to 5 are hardy, but they often cannot cope with the high temperatures in summer. However, how well they thrive in the home garden also depends on other factors.

It's not just the overall climate that plays a role when choosing plants - the microclimate in the garden (orientation, lighting conditions, is the location sheltered from the wind or drafty) is also very important.

Below we list plants that thrive in hardiness zones 5, 6 and 7. These plants can be displayed both as soloists and in groups.

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: chrysanthemums

With their colorful flowers and colorful foliage, they areChrysanthemums are the most beautiful heralds of autumnamong the flowers. With good care, they will delight the hobby gardener's eye until the end of November. Most perennial varieties are assigned to hardiness zone 7 and are generally hardy.

If they hang in a sunny and wind-protected location, the chrysanthemums can survive the winter without any problems. At the end of November, cut the spent stems back to a quarter and cover the root balls with a layer of leaves.

If the terrace or balcony is in the shade, you can move it to a bright and cool winter quarters (glass house, winter garden).

Incidentally, many annual varieties are also available in garden centers. These are sensitive to frost and are simply disposed of after the end of the flowering period.

The autumn aster is perfect for planting in hanging baskets

Asters are also an integral part of the garden. The colorful autumn varieties can hardly be contained until November due to the sheer joy of blooming. Carpet-like varieties such as “Mediterranean”, “Apollo” and “Kristina” are particularly suitable for planting hanging baskets. They grow to a height of around 30 cm and have a compact, bushy habit. Asters fulfill an important role in nature as their flowers provide food for many insects.

The pansies and horned violets are true classics

Willing to bloom and colorful: pansies and horned violets are the perfect autumn flowers. The two types of flowers are closely related, but there are also differences. Horned violets have slightly larger flowers and a longer flowering period, which lasts until late autumn depending on when they are planted (in autumn or spring).

Both pansies and horned violets can tolerate frost to a limited extent. When temperatures drop below -15° Celsius, they need winter protection to get through the winter in one piece.

Autumn planting for hanging baskets: The Spanish daisy is a magnet for butterflies and bees

Spanish daisies are the perfect flower for the sunny terrace and winter garden. They have a very long flowering period and bloom pink until October. Tip: Hang the flower as high as possible because its flowers are rich in nectar andattract bees and butterfliesto. They provide food for insects in autumn.

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: sunflowers

The perennial sunflower creates a cheerful summer atmosphere even on dreary autumn days. The growth height of the perennial varies greatly depending on the variety. The “Pacino Gold” variety grows to a height of around 60 cm and is therefore perfect for planting in hanging baskets and pots. “Big Smile” reaches a maximum height of 35 cm and has a bushy habit. The sunflowers are best staged as soloists. But combinations with other autumn flowers and plants are also possible, as long as the location is sunny. Reserve a spot in full sun on the terrace or balcony for the sun worshiper.

The autumn monkshood is a late-blooming perennial

The autumn monkshood is a late bloomer that opens its large, grape-shaped flowers in September. If the weather is mild, the flowering period can extend into November. Depending on the variety, its height can vary greatly. The short-growing perennials are mostly hybrids. Therefore, you should find out more details at the garden center. Monkshood is highly poisonous and therefore unsuitable for families with children or pets. Even short-term contact with the plant can trigger allergic reactions. When choosing a location, always make sure that children and pets do not come into contact with withered flowers, fallen leaves and the plant itself.

Hanging flowers for autumn: magic bells ensure blooms

The magic bells delight the eye with their tireless blooms from April to October. They are true survivors as they thrive in both partially shaded and sunny locations. Even more so - the magic bells need warmth so that they can grow and form flowers. If the temperatures fall below 10° Celsius, the autumn flowers should be overwintered in a bright place.

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: The student flower

Don't let their bright orange color fool you: marigolds look like real fall flowers, but they bloom until early October. They are also sensitive to frost and require overwintering. In Germany they are therefore grown as annual flowers. Nevertheless, marigolds make good partners with other fall flowers as they create a seamless transition between late summer and fall.

Planting hanging baskets: the autumn anemone

The autumn anemones show their most beautiful side in the hanging basket. Choose varieties with a compact growth such as the japonica hybrid “Pamina”. It grows to a height of around 60 cm and is hardy (hardiness zone 6). However, so that the flower blooms profusely even in the cold season, the location should be sunny to shady. The perennial needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Autumn flowers for hanging baskets: The snake's head (shield flower)

The snakehead is a perennial plant with an upright habit and heavily woody shoots. At first glance it is not very suitable for planting in hanging baskets. Its beautiful pink flowers, long flowering period and robustness speak for the hardy perennial. With a height of 60 cm (for the short varieties), the flower is perfect as an accent.

Hanging flowers for the autumn traffic light: the toad lily

The toad lily is a beautiful autumn flower that originally comes from Taiwan. It has slightly overhanging shoots and, depending on the variety, reaches a maximum height of 50 to 80 cm. Therefore, ask for a low variety when purchasing.

Wild flowers: white clover

White clover is actually a ground cover plant that is valued as an ornamental plant for its beautiful leaves. If staged correctly in the hanging basket, the plant also attracts attention with its small white flowers. Ivy is a good planting partner.

When all the summer flowers fade, it's time for autumn plants. The autumn flowers are in no way inferior to their “colleagues” when it comes to blooms and are real eye-catchers. The most important thing is choosing the right variety. Because not all autumn flowers are hardy and can survive the first frost. Fortunately, there are enough types of flowers that look good in a hanging basket. The map with the winter hardiness zones can be used for orientation. Germany belongs to climate zone 7. Plants that thrive in hardiness zones 6, 7 and 8 are well prepared for the German winter.