Surprise your guests with spooky Halloween decorations,that you made yourself. The ideas you will find in the article can be quickly copied - and are therefore also suitable for beginners.
Halloween decorations like from the craft shop
It's time to visit the craft store for materials so you can make your own Halloween decorations. Get plastic figurinesof spiders, spider web,Snakes and mice or ravens. Gather the following materials – black lace, glue, black thread and black ribbon, black paper and scissors. Press several stencils and cut cat figures from them. Stick the figures on the front door, cupboards or windows. Make a spider web out of twine and stick it onto the plant pots. Scare your friends with snakes under the doormat.
Craft ideas with paper
Cut out a clock face from paper and make a wall clock in black and orange. To make the design scary, you can stick a small spider next to each digit. Anyone who wants to do crafts with the children will definitely appreciate the next idea. You need a ball of black thread. Cut eyes and mouth out of paper and glue them on. Make six legs out of black wire - and you have a funny spider. This idea has many applications - you can stick mouths and eyes on rolls of thread and turn them into scary creatures. Let your imagination run wild!
Front yard decoration with huge spider and spider web
Children's decoration with paper plates and handprint
Make a spider out of wool
Snakes under the doormat
Decoration made of paper ghosts on glass
Cute craft ideas for toddlers
Decorate the lantern with paper stars
Paper bats
Plastic spider web
Creepy door wreath
Make a pumpkin out of paper
Cool decoration idea with a magnifying glass
Raven figures and mini pumpkins
Cut cats out of paper
Plastic spider
Color pumpkins with color sprays
Decorate pumpkins with glitter spray
Spider web – decoration for the front door