Celery juice in a self-test: “I did a celery juice cure for a month – and this is what happened to my body”

1. Pay attention to organic quality and wash the celery stalks under a running tap

2. Daily: Drink at least 500 ml of celery juice on an empty stomach immediately after getting up

3. The celery juice should be pure and pure, without fibers or pieces, so that digestion is not stimulated, but the pure minerals should enter the blood.

4. Do not mix the juice with the juice of other fruits or vegetables.

5. Drink immediately (!) after juicing. The oxygen oxidizes the celery juice and its valuable minerals are lost

Preparing celery juice with the juicer: Juice

Depending on the type of juicer, cut the sticks into small pieces and quickly add them to the juicer one at a time. A slow juicer is best because the low motor power preserves more minerals and vitamins.

Preparation of celery juice with the blender: smoothie

Also for the smoothie, wash green celery sticks with water or eco-friendly dishwashing liquid, cut them into small pieces and put them in the blender. If you don't have a high-performance mixer, you should add a glass of water and mix for about three minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Now strain the celery pulp through a kitchen towel.

Preparation and previous experience with celery stalks:

The first task for me was to find organic markets that sell celery. I check out the celery stalks for the first time in my favorite organic market around the corner. I'll admit right away that this type of celery wasn't exactly my first choice in the vegetable aisle. I bought celery as a root vegetable to use in my vegetable stock. Otherwise, this vegetable, especially the stick-shaped version, left me completely cold. I only knew celery from my trip to the USA. There he appeared in various organic shops and salad bars. However, I wasn't really enthusiastic about the spicy celery taste and so far I've avoided the green sticks. My first point of contact with the celery juice diet was the book"Medical Food". When the hype about Anthony Williams' celery juice reached Germany and the organic markets in Berlin were selling out of celery for days, as I learned from various Insta stories, I became a little more aware of the effect of celery juice . A clear signal for me: I want to test that too. Let's go!

Making celery juice for the first time

I'm already faced with the first puzzle: How much celery do I need for half a liter of juice? I'll try three copies. Minus the stalk, this results in seven individual stalks of celery per bunch. I wash these off thoroughly. I then cut the stalks into small pieces and put them in my juicer. To get the best possible juice result, are suitablehorizontal juicersvery good. Juicing takes about 5 minutes. I fill two large jars with my three celery stalks. So it's not such a bad estimate!

Katja Brömer

How much does a celery juice treatment cost?

When making my own celery juice, I used about one and a half to two stalks of celery to produce about 500ml of pure juice. I buy the celery sticks in various organic stores such as VollCorner Biomarkt, Basics Biomarkt or Allnatura. The prices for celery stalks fluctuate somewhat. But all in all, the average price for a homemade celery juice in the morning is around four euros. The celery juice treatment costs around 120 euros per month - depending on the nature of the celery.

How does celery juice taste? And when is the best time to drink celery juice?

According to Anthony William, celery juice should be drunk immediately after juicing so that the ingredients reach the body immediately and can take effect. The best time is in the morning on an empty stomach. The darker the green of the stalk, the more intense the celery taste, but also the healing effect. I admit: I find the first glass difficult because of the unusually bitter taste. That's why I drink the juice in small sips, which is also better for digestion as it ensures pre-digestion in the mouth. Note: Do not overtax your body and proceed in small steps. Downing the glass in one gulp can cause stomach pain and bloating because too much oxygen enters the body and it spreads.

What happens to the residue left over from juicing? The best recipes

I didn't think about that at first. But since I wanted to use everything in keeping with the organic idea, I used the pomace to make delicious celery crackers myself in the dehydrator. To make enough for two trays, you can collect three days' worth of leftover celery and store it in the fridge.

Recipe: Celery Flaxseed Crackers
