Crafting with toilet rolls for Halloween: quick and easy DIY projects for children!

The spooky season is here and Halloween crafts are a great way to celebrate with your kids! However, are you worried that an artistic activity with your children might be too difficult? Then you can be sure that these easy Halloween craft ideas for kids that we have put together for you will delight you! For this list, we're focusing on crafts that can be made with a discarded toilet paper roll - an item that everyone surely has at home. You can for Halloweencrafting with toilet rollsand delight your children and the whole family with lots of fun DIY projects!

Bat craft for kids

Materials required:

Colored card stock or craft paper
Roll of toilet paper


  • Download and print the bat template above. Cut out all parts of the template.
  • Cut the toilet paper roll in half with scissors.
  • Glue the back of the black rectangle to the half toilet paper roll. This is the oneBody of the bat.
  • Then glue the fangs to the top of the red mouth with the pointed ends facing down.
  • Glue the mouth to the bottom of the black toilet paper roll.
  • Use the stencil eyes or goggle eyes and attach them to the top center of the paper roll.
  • Attach the ears to the top, inner part of the toilet paper roll.
  • Use the glue stick to add glue to the center of the bat wings, then press the wings to the back of the bat body.

You need:

Toilet paper rolls
clear, drying adhesive
wool (or yarn)
Springs (optional)
other decorations (optional)


  • Coarsely coat the outside of the toilet paper roll with glue.
  • Wrap wool or yarn around the outside of the toilet paper roll. (It doesn't have to be neat.) Add an extra dab of glue to the end of the yarn to help it stick.
  • Glue on googly eyes – as many as you like!
  • Coarsely coat the top inside of the roll with the glue. Glue feathers or cut wool to act as hair.
  • Add everyoneother decorationsadd the ones you like! It's so fun to make toilet roll crafts for Halloween!

This might also interest you:Fall decorations with toilet paper rolls: DIY pumpkins & leaves

Make your own Frankenstein

Materials required:

Green craft paper
Black craft paper
White craft paper
Roll of toilet paper
Black marker
Glue stick


  • Cut a strip of green paper the width of the toilet paper roll and stick it on.
  • Cut a strip of black paper for the hair and cut out a hair pattern on one long edge.
  • Glue the hair around the top edgethe toilet paper rollaround on.
  • Cut out two white circles for the eyes and glue them on.
    Use some of the leftover pieces of black strip and make eyebrows out of them. Glue the eyebrows over the eyes.
  • Draw eyes in the white circles, a mouth, a nose and Frankenstein's famous scar on his forehead with the black marker.
  • Use it to decorate a mantel or let it sit on your windowsill!

Monster mobiles for children from daycare

What you need:

The claw role
Pipe cleaners
Craft foam
Color (purple, black, green and orange are perfect for Halloween)

Also read:Crafting with egg cartons for Halloween

Make monster mobiles:

  • First, have your children paint the toilet paper rolls. Show them how to hold the tube by sticking a few fingers into it. This way you can easily paint the whole tube without getting too much paint on your hands.
  • When the paint is dry, poke a hole in either side of the cardboard tube (with a pin or skewer) and insert the pipe cleaner through it, creating a pair of bendy arms.
  • Have your child glue on a bunch of googly eyes. The more eyes, the sillier the monster.
  • While your child's eyeson his monstersticks, you can cut out the mouths from craft foam. A jagged set of teeth is easy to cut out, but you can get as creative as you like with your monster's mouths.
  • Once the glue has dried, your kids can play with the monsters as they are or they can string them together to make a mobile. To make our monster mobile, you can attach a loop of yarn under each pipe cleaner that runs through the inside of the toilet paper roll and tie it there. Then attach the yarn to several monsters, gather them together and arrange them into a mobile, staggering the monsters so that they hung at different lengths.

Also read:Crafting with toilet paper rolls in autumn: 4 creative ideas for animals using natural materials