Make your own White Walkers Halloween makeup – instructions & ideas

Even if you haven't seen the final season of Game of Thrones yet, you've probably heard it before: winter is here! And with that comes the White Walkers. And if this isn't such good news for the residents of Westeros, it means excitement for us and lots more great ideas for decorations and costumes for Halloween. In another post we already told you how you can dress up as the Night King for Halloween and scare everyone at the costume party. However, the Night King is not the only scary costume idea from the cult series Game of Thrones. All white walkers are frightening, making them perfect for a cool look for Halloween. You can do the white hiker Halloween make-up yourself using our instructions and great ideas and become a highlight at the party.

White Walkers as a popular idea for Halloween

The White Walkers, known as “The Others” in George RR Martin's books, are the mythical creatures who live north of the Wall. At first, no one in Westeros believes it, until Jon Snow makes their existence known and proves it. However, White Walkers should not be confused with the revenants. The White Walkers have magical powers and can bring dead animals and people back to life. Additionally, they can only be killed with Valyrian steel and dragonglass. Revenants, on the other hand, are the people revived by the White Walkers who form the army of the undead. Since the White Walkers and their king have a really scary look, they offer the perfect idea for a successful Halloween costume.

Halloween makeup instructions and tips

The most important element of the White Walkers costume is without a doubt the make-up. And not just for the face, but also for the whole body. The White Walkers have white-gray skin with wrinkles and cracks that you can easily replicate with the right makeup. However, this requires a bit of sensitivity and a lot of patience, which will certainly produce a good result. Of course, horror shops and carnival shops also offer various masks that perfectly match the White Walkers look. However, these usually cost a lot of money and are not very comfortable to wear. Instead, you can do eye-catching make-up yourself with just a few water make-ups and save some money.

Anyone whoGame of ThronesAnyone who has seen the series probably knows that the bright blue eyes are an important feature of the White Walkers. They symbolize ice and winter and are typical of the Walkers and their revenants. The easiest way to get blue eyes like this is with colored contact lenses. However, if you have not worn contact lenses before, you should consider that inserting them can be painful if not done correctly. If you have naturally blue eyes, you can of course recreate the look without contact lenses.

If you don't have blue eyes and don't want to wear colored contact lenses, there is another way to get the White Walkers' blue eyes. Namely, to paint them directly on the eyelids. In this case, the effect is lost a little when you open your eyes, but you look really scary when you blink. The last variant is used in these instructions. For this you need water make-up in white, blue, black and gray, as well as various brushes, make-up sponges,artificial beardand colored hairspray in white.

First, use a sponge to prime your entire face with white water make-up, avoiding only the eye areas. Next, do the make-up as follows: First paint a circle on the eyelid bright blue and then paint the rest black. For attention to detail, you can also paint a small pupil in the middle of the eye. Using a photo of the original White Walker, determine the shaded areas and decorate them with black make-up. The wrinkles and other facial lines can then be painted on with a thin brush. You should pay attention to emphasizing the lips and cheekbones. Paint as many wrinkles until you are satisfied with the result. Finally, all that remains is to dye the hair white and, if necessary, glue on the artificial beard.

One of the most famous White Walkers from the series has a beard and long hair and many women choose this look as inspiration for their Halloween costume. For the goatee, you can either use an artificial beard from the party store and trim it to size, or consider an alternative. Cotton wool is ideal as a beard for the White Walkers look because it is originally white and can be easily stuck to the chin with skin glue.

Ladies with long hair can dye their own hair white or gray with hairspray for a White Walker costume and recreate the look perfectly without wigs. The best way to do this is to style your hair backwards with a little hair gel after dyeing it. A wet look goes just as well.

White Walkers apply special effects makeup

If you want to make your look even more eye-catching for Halloween, you can imitate the White Walker make-up with special effect make-up. This makes the wrinkles of the face look more realistic and creates a really scary look. In this case, these details are not made up, but are made from paper and latex milk and glued directly to the face. For example, tissues can be rolled up into small sausages, dipped into the latex milk and stuck to the appropriate areas. In this way, the facial structure of the White Walkers can be perfectly recreated.

The end result is a kind of mask that is applied directly to the face. The special effectHalloween makeupneeds some time to dry before proceeding with makeup. Using a hairdryer will definitely make it quicker. When everything is dry, the make-up is used. First, prime everything with white aqua make-up. Then add gray to the wrinkles, eyes and cheeks and finally emphasize them with black and white. If desired, style your hair and a beard as explained above and the White Walker make-up for Halloween is ready. With appropriate body paint or a beautiful homemade White Walker costume you will definitely not go unnoticed.

Also interesting:How to dress up as the Night King!