Barley tea effects and health benefits: everything you should know about the Korean drink!

There's nothing better than treating yourself to a cup of warm tea on a rainy day. We are sure that you already know a lot about healthBenefits of drinking tea regularlyknowledge. But have you ever heard of barley tea? If not, then you're really missing out! The drink comes from Asia and is called Borucha in Korea and Mugicha in Japan. It can be enjoyed both warm and cold as a refreshment in summer. Just one glass of it offers a number of amazing benefits for our health, ranging from preventing cancer to purifying the blood and strengthening the immune system. And since it is particularly important to look after our health in the colder months, we will explain everything about the effects of barley tea and how you can prepare it yourself!

Along with oats, rye and wheat, barley is one of the oldest and best-known grains and is loaded with healthy fiber and nutrients. It is therefore no wonder that barley tea has been known as a panacea in Asia since the Middle Ages. It is not a real tea like white or black tea and does not contain tea leaves. It is also not an herbal tea, but is prepared by soaking roasted barley grains in water. The taste is often described as nutty with slightly bitter undertones. It is also completely caffeine-free, making it an excellent substitute for coffee.

Barley tea effects and benefits for digestion

Barley tea is high in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. It is an excellent natural source of vitamins A and C, as well as selenium, phytonutrients and tryptophan - ingredients that restore hormonal balance and protect against cell damage. The fiber contained in barley and therefore also in tea also helps regulate bowel movements, prevents constipation and prevents a bloated stomach. Barley tea is a natural antacid that can relieve upset stomach, indigestion and heartburn symptoms. To benefit from the effects of barley tea, it is recommended to drink a cup approximately 30 minutes before each meal.

The healing drink to strengthen the immune system

Autumn and winter are also known to be cold season and to avoid colds and flu, we need ourStrengthen immune system. As mentioned earlier, barley tea is rich in antioxidants and also has antibacterial properties. The large amounts of vitamin C it contains keep our immune system intact and make the tea a real miracle weapon against diseases and viruses. Vitamin C promotes the production of white blood cells, which helps fight and prevent infections during cold seasons.

Barley tea benefits for blood circulation

Drinking barley tea regularly can help improve blood circulation and therefore prevent serious cardiovascular diseases. This barley tea effect is attributed to the substance pyrazine it contains. This reduces the risk of blood clotting and helps eliminate all toxins from the body. According to a study conducted by the “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology”, 250 ml of barley tea per day leads to the breakdown of excess fat in the body.

Barley tea can also help with sleep disorders

Due to stressful everyday life, more and more people are suffering from sleep disorders. Barley tea is rich in many different compounds, including tryptophan and melatonin, which promote calmer, better sleep. Since it doesn't contain caffeine, it's perfectly fine to drink a cup in the evening before bed. Barley grains contain 6 times more GABA than rice - an amino acid thatacts as an inhibitory neurotransmitterand helps us sleep more peacefully.

May stimulate weight loss

A study from Sweden has confirmed the positive effect of barley tea on the bacteria in the intestine. This in turn stimulates the metabolism and can help you fight the last 2-3 kilos. If you are having a hard time sticking to therecommended amounts of water per daythen you are in good hands with this low-calorie and sugar-free drink. The high fiber content also ensures that we feel fuller for longer, so we don't consume unnecessary calories.

Are there any known side effects of barley tea?

Although barley tea is generally good for our health, there are some precautions when consuming it that you should know. Since barley is a grain, it also contains gluten. So if you have celiac disease, are sensitive to gluten, or are allergic to grains, you should avoid consuming barley tea. Barley tea can also prevent lactation and cause complications in pregnant or breastfeeding women. It would therefore be advisable that you consult your doctor first.

And it's that easy to make barley tea!

Of course, the easiest way to make a delicious cup of barley tea is to buy it in ready-made tea bags. These are available in tea shops, Asian shops or well-stocked health food stores. But a home-made and roasted barley tea tastes much better and is quite easy to prepare. This is how it is done:

  • First, roast 2 tablespoons of barley grains in the oven or in a pan without oil until golden brown. Stir constantly so that they don't burn.
  • Put the roasted grains with 200 ml of water in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then strain the tea into a cup. Enjoy warm or cold.
  • Since barley tea has a slightly bitter taste, you can add lemon, sugar or honey. And with a pinch of cinnamon you give the drink a wonderful aroma.