In autumn it starts to get cold, rainy days become more common and although the temperatures don't get that low, children simply spend a little more time indoors. Boredom does not promote creative thinking in children of primary school age or who are just starting kindergarten, but instead usually results in nonsense. That's why it's always practical to have this or another exciting idea aside to try out. When doing crafts with kindergarten children, you should consider their individual abilities and choose the tasks accordingly. We offer 4 instructions with different levels of difficulty, among which you are sure to find what you are looking for.
Paper owl
Paper only comes into question when it comes to crafts with children. It bringsmultiple propertiesoutstanding, accessible to all, easy to use and easy to dispose of. What more could you want?! There are certain disposable plates made of cardboard, the so-called paper plates, in every household. This allows you to make really imaginative things quickly and the material is primarily suitable for children.
The owl is one of the favorite motifs for children of all ages. Her big eyes and plume make her look really cute. The border on the paper plate has the characteristic feathering of the owl and is therefore suitable for creative crafts. The body of the owl is made from a plate, for the eyes, beak and feet you will also need craft paper, as well as some colored pencils for coloring and glue.
First prepare the required materials. For each owl, cut out two circles for eyes, a triangle for beak and two bird feet. Fold the paper plate as shown in the picture and offer the child to color. Slightly older children who are more experienced with colored pencils can even try to create the typical owl feathering.
Make your own autumn leaves
What's more in autumn thanleaves falling from the trees. The next craft idea can start as a small research experiment. Beautifully colored leaves can be found when the weather is nice and during a walk in the park or forest. Give the kindergarten child the task of collecting leaves that are different in shape and color. Take a good look at the picture above. The wide variety of leaves claimed several options for design of different shapes.
Also get some googly eyes that add funny faces to the products and glue that is suitable for use by children. Depending on the shape, the leaves can be interpreted differently and made into a monster or fish.
DIY googly eyes
Other pieces found in nature, such as driftwood, small stones,Chestnutsand etc. can be designed as desired. The more lavish the collection, the more imaginative animals and creatures you can make from it. Depending on the situation, slightly older children can put together a whole picture out of it. Treat the product with great care as it will be noticed and appreciated by the child.
colorful buttons
Buttons should be kept away from small children. Those of kindergarten age already know that things like that have no place in their mouths. And you can use it to create really beautiful and particularly creative things. Of course, this claims a rich collection of buttons different in size and color. If you don't have any, then it's time to start collecting some.
Extra buttons, or at least one, are on the inside of each garment as a reserve in case one goes missing. At first you can simply examine the clothes from your closet and you will collect something at least to start with. At flea markets you can occasionally find whole screw-top jars or tins full of old buttons. That would be real darling!
Once you have a plentiful selection of differently sized colored buttons, offer them as an alternative to traditional means of expression, such as colored pencils and paints. This can be used to create beautiful trees, flowers, sky and sun. Stems can be added to the flowers later or sun rays can be painted additionally. This promotes the child's creativity and imagination.
Spider web
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and children are also happy to help with the harmonious decorations. Small things that are relatively easy to make are very suitable for children in primary school or kindergarten age. When the products are later hung or displayed somewhere, every child will definitely be proud of what they have achieved. We offer a great idea for spider webs made from popsicle sticks and yarn.
The craft project requires lots of popsicle sticks, glue, paint and yarn in any color to match the 'Halloween' theme - black, white, orange. As a gluer, it might make sense to take a hot glue gun and help the child with it. Otherwise, you should let the conventional all-purpose glue dry, which is simply time-consuming. In either case, do not allow the child to handle the adhesive alone as it could be toxic.
Tie the popsicle sticks together crosswise in the middle to create a snowflake. Fix with the selected glue. Everything else can be done by the child themselves. However, it cannot remain without a challenge. Introduce white, black, and orange coloring supplies and let the child color the popsicle sticks themselves.
After the paint is completely dry, you can move on to the next step. Show the child how to make a spider web - pull the yarn around the popsicle stick structure and then tie it tightly. Help the child choose colors and show them just once and then they should succeed.
*Paper plate owl instructions in pictures fromHoppy Mama
*Instructions for 'Picture from Buttons' byLittle Family
*Instructions in pictures for 'Spider web made of yarn and popsicle sticks' byBuggy and Buddy