Learn to draw with instructions for children – funny characters & motifs

Children love to draw and paint. If you want to encourage your child, you can do this by showing him a few tricks on how to draw certain motifs. Over time, your child will learn to draw better and better with lots of practice. In principle, certain figures such as circles or rectangles are used as a basis for all motifs. To help you, we have put together some simple instructions that will help you paint cute and funny designs with your little ones.

Your children can easily learn to draw and design animals as motifs using ordinary geometric figures as a basis. For example, you start with a circle and then gradually add other elements to it. An elypse can be the basis for the body of a cow, a circle the head of an elephant, and so on.

This ladybug consists largely of circles. The large circle is then cut in half and equipped with additional, smaller circles. Then there is the head with the antennae and the six legs. So that your child doesn't so quicklyloses interest, you should at least help him at the beginning.

Of course, you can also use the time together to explain to him the anatomy or the names of the individual body parts of animals or the parts of cars, the sun, flowers and so on. So drawing is not only fun but can also prove to be educational. This is how learning is fun!

Before you get started, you should carefully assess which onesFigures and instructionsis suitable for the child's age. If the picture is too complicated, it can ultimately lead to disappointment and that is certainly not your goal. The simpler and more classic the geometric figures used, the easier the child will find the motif.

Who knows, maybe as an adult you will even find great interest in it and feel like learning to draw yourself. Then you can regularly spend afternoons painting together. This is fun and creates a deeper connection between you and your child.

Painting a tiger may require a little more experience. As a mother or father, you can best assess this. But try the mouse or the chicken. Circles and ellipses form the basis of the body, while at the end some other elements such as whiskers or wings are painted.

The pigeon may also be more of an advanced idea. To do this, you can combine the finished image with other motifs. The pigeon, for example, can receive a cloud or a sun, which we will show you below. Feel free to take turns painting a picture with your child and create a picture together.

You can paint an eagle owl using the instructions above. Start with the eyes, continue with the head and work your way down to the body with the wings. Above you can also see two variants for ships. If, as with the bat, different geometric figures overlap, you can erase the inner lines later.

The step-by-step instructions for chicks and ducks are particularly easy to implement and will definitely be easy for your child to do on their own. It's best to use a pencil, at least at the beginning, so that mistakes can be erased. You can use the chicks wonderfully for pictures at Easter.

If your child wants to paint a lion, you can use these instructions. The red lines always indicate the new lines in the respective step. The lion looks complicated at first glance. But that's just because there are many individual elements involved. Otherwise, your child will surely soon dominate it.

When painting a cow, as with all others, there are various instructions available to you. That depends entirely on the instructions. You can see a funny cartoon cow in the instructions above. Children often want to learn to draw dogs, which can also be done in just a few steps. Your child can then color again as they wish.

Fish are particularly easy to draw. While you are painting the bee, you can explain to your child the benefits of bees, how they collect pollen and make honey from it, and that only female bees do this. Your child will definitely find this very interesting. Feel free to come up with stories to make painting time more interesting.

We find the idea of ​​using numbers or letters as a basis to be particularly original. This again has a teaching effect and helps your children to better remember newly learned letters, as the drawing provides a mnemonic, so to speak. Above you can see a duck made of the letter “J”.

The letter “g” quickly becomes a friendly bear and, more precisely, its face. To learn to draw, have your child first write down the lowercase letter. In the circle, paint the closed eye, which consists of a slightly curved line. A similar, but longer line is added above the circle, including the nose and mouth.

Next, your child needs to paint the body. For this purpose, a line resembling the letter “J” or half a heart is added. You can rotate the sheet if it makes it easier for your child to draw. Next up are the ears, tail and legs until the bear is ready to color.

Your child has probably already mastered a sun with simple lines as rays. Now go one step further and draw spikes as sun rays. First let your child create a circle again. You can see in the instructions in which order you should paint the spikes. Finally, a face can also be drawn.

As already mentioned, not only letters are suitable as a basis if youChild drawingshould learn. Numbers can also come in handy, like this example of a koala where the number “5” is used. The result is a koala clinging to a tree. Your child can paint an entire zoo with all of these animals.

Cars are one of the little ones' favorite motifs. Because they quickly realize that it is much easier than it might seem. The bird's nest is again well suited for Easter or the spring season. If you send postcards, your child can embellish them with a picture they have painted themselves.