6 autumn plants that provide a magnificent play of colors in the garden and in flower boxes

Choose the right flowers that would bring bright colors to the garden even when the cool autumn has come. Fall plants come in a variety of colors and most of them continue to bloom until the first frost. Many fall flowers provide nectar to bees and butterflies to help them during migration.

A stunning ornamental plant that looks incredible!Cyclamen existsin a variety of shapes and sizes. They bloom in red, purple, pink and white starting in October. They can withstand not only cool temperatures in winter, but also dryness in summer. Plant several cyclamens together in the garden. The effect is impressive.

The aster family consists of around 300 members. Autumn asters grow in well-drained, moist soil in full sun. Autumn asters bloom from late summer to November. They need to be cut back in June to maintain a beautiful shape and dense foliage.

Chrysanthemums provide an intense play of colors in autumn until the first frost. Some of the typical flower colors are white, red, yellow, pink, coral, bronze, salmon and burgundy. They thrive equally well in the garden and in a planter. Plant chrysanthemums in spring or fall in nutrient-rich soil. Perennial chrysanthemums bloom every year and, like asters, require annual pruning.

Sedum is a wonderful autumn plant for theGarden in autumn. There are low-growing varieties that make excellent ground cover or edging plants, as well as tall-growing varieties that look good in the center or background of the flower bed. The purple and pink flowers of the Autumn Joy sedum can be seen from August until the first frost. Sedums also come in yellow, copper red and various shades of pink and purple.

Ornamental cabbage is a popular plant for the cold seasons because it needs cold to turn its gorgeous purple, pink and white color. Ornamental cabbage can be planted in containers and pots and combined with silver leaf and heather.

Heather looks particularly beautiful when planted in flower boxes or pots. With a pink veil, it provides atmospheric decoration on the balcony and terrace.