Make autumn pictures with children – works of art with leaves

Making autumn pictures with your children can be a fun pastime. All you need is some paint, paper and autumn leaves that can be collected in the park. The ideas that we would like to present to you today are suitable for young and old. Check out these easy and inexpensive craft projects and get inspired!

Materials required:

– Different sheets in different sizes (look for nice grains on the back)
– Liquid tempera paint in autumn colors
– Template if necessary
– Cardboard or cardboard for the background
– Printing paper
– colored paper (brown, yellow, red, black)
– Brown wrapping paper or paper bag
- Scissors
– Glue
– White pencil
– Decorations, googly eyes, leftover felt, twigs, pine cones

Choose the background for yourhomemade autumnal picture. If you are using a cardboard box, you can prime it and paint it with the paint of your choice.

Forautumn turkeyas a picture you can find a round object to draw around. This will become your guideline for the fan-shaped tail. Take your tempera paint and paint the back of a leaf. Place the sheet down on the line and press with your fist.

Change the leaves and colors. When the prints are dry, cut out the fan shape.

Cut out the additional parts for the turkey from colored paper. You need a circle of wrapping paper, an elongated pear shape for the head, a yellow triangle for the beak and a red squiggle. Glue all as shown. You can use 2 googly eyes and 2 small branches (for the feet). Finally, you can form a beautiful frame from strips of black paper.

For the squirrels, start with the tail first. This time the leaves must be arranged in a line, from the large leaf to the small leaf. Cut out the squirrel's body from brown construction paper and use a white pencil to draw lines for the hands, legs and stomach. A few details can enliven the picture. Glue the squirrel's body over the tail and add a brown felt ear, black nose and eyes. Glue a piece of cone in your hand. Use four strips of black paper to create a frame around the image.

* A project

Adults can also play with beautiful leaf prints and decorate envelopes and notebooks. Use different leaf shapes - from maple, acorn, birch trees as well as climbing plants such as ivy.

* A project

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