Autumn is known for its bright colors and that makes it perfect not only for decorations, but also as a theme for various craft and painting projects. And since this beautiful season is just around the corner, today we're going to show you some great ideas that you can paint with children at home, in elementary school or in kindergarten. There are different painting techniques with different colors that are guaranteed to be a lot of fun for every child. And later the finished pictures can be given to parents or grandparents. Get inspired and get the necessary colors and materials soon. Then you can paint beautiful autumn pictures with children and spend a fun afternoon together.
Painting autumn pictures with massage balls
- white paper and brown construction paper (or printed tree without crown)
- Colors in red, orange and yellow and possibly green
- Massage ball
- paper plate
- Scissors
- Glue
In principle, there is not much to explain in this guide. If you would like to paint such an autumn tree, you will need a tree trunk that you can paint on the brown oneDrawing paperand then cut it out and glue it onto the white sheet of paper. Alternatively, you can print out a finished tree. But then there should be no leaves. Now put the three autumn colors yellow, orange and red on the paper plate. First pick up some of the yellow color with the ball and then roll it over the picture along the crown.
Once you have added enough yellow “leaves”, take a new ball and repeat the whole thing, first with the orange and then with the red color. Finally, you can also create a few green leaves here and there that have not yet changed color, so to speak. Let the colors dry and the picture is finished. This way you can paint as many autumn pictures as you want.
Autumn trees with corks
- at least 3 wine corks
- Colors in red, orange and yellow
- brown and white construction paperor:
printed tree trunk with branches without leaves - paper plate
- Scissors
- Glue
As in the previous instructions, which you can use to paint autumn pictures, you first need a tree, which you either cut out of the brown paper and glue onto the white sheet or print out. You can then paint the pretty tree as a motif for autumn. Add a little of the three colors to the plate so as not to contaminate the color in the packages.
Dip the first wine cork in any color and use it to dab leaves on the crown of the tree. This creates points. Then repeat with a new cork and the next color. You can also mix the colors to get additional nuances. Then you need more corks. Just experiment!
With cotton balls
- cotton balls
- Clothespins
- Colors (e.g. acrylic)
- Painted or printed tree trunk for design
- Sheet of paper or canvas
If you don't have corks at home to try out the technique above, you can use cotton balls instead, which are also quicker to find if you want to spontaneously paint autumn pictures with your children. You will also need clothespins to hold the cotton. However, if you use easily washable paints, the balls can also simply be held with your fingers. The cotton is simply dipped into the paint and then used to print dots.
Forest of autumn trees
For an entire autumn forest, simply draw a lot of tree trunks and then decorate them all around with leaves. For this you can choose any technique from those listed above. At the end of the article we also have some variants for designing tree crowns and leaves, all of which you should try out. And since autumn is still around for a while, you have plenty of time to do it!
Pretty autumn leaves
- 2 sheets of paper of any size
- flat autumn leaves
- tape
- Wax crayons
- Watercolors
- wide brush
Be sure to use a smooth and even surface, otherwise joints or other unevenness will be transferred to the image. Then spread them out on a piece of papercollected leaves. It is best to fix the paper with adhesive tape so that it cannot slip. You can also cut out and add other autumn motifs from paper as desired (for example mushrooms). Then place the other piece of paper on top of it. You can now also attach this to the bottom sheet with adhesive tape so that it doesn't slip, but you don't have to. But if you paint such autumn pictures with children, it will probably be easier for them.
Now use the wax crayons, which are best chosen in autumn colors, to stroke over the top leaf. Hold the pins horizontally to utilize their length. In this way, the shapes, borders and patterns of the leaves are transferred to the top leaf. Don't press too hard, just apply less pressure at first. You can always enhance the colors afterwards if necessary. Alternate the colors for each leaf or combine several in one. This is up to you and your child.
You can now either leave these images as they are or you can go ahead and draw them with watercolors. That would of course be very pleasant for the children. The watercolors are easily painted over the entire picture. You don't need to worry about the wax surfaces. They are guaranteed not to smudge. But interesting color mixtures and effects are created. It's best to use contrasting colors for the background that will show off the leaves, such as blue or green.
SearchIdeas for pictures, which you can also paint in elementary school in the fall, this variant can be converted into a larger project. Every child can create their own picture. Finally, they are all combined together on an oversized piece of paper to create a giant poster that can then be hung in the classroom. The children will be proud! Or you can have the children all transfer the sheets onto a large poster and paint them together. This will work best on the ground. This is possible in smaller groups where the children will not disturb each other while painting the autumn pictures.
Drawing acrylic paintings
- Leaves (real or cut out of paper)
- A3 or A4 sheet of paper and possibly another for printing out the sheet templates
- Acrylic paints
- Sponge or wide brush
- thin brush
- Scissors
A very simple idea that even smaller children can take part in is this one. If you have collected the leaves yourself, you should first press them into a book for a few days. Alternatively, you can print out sheets or record and cut them out. Whichever variant you choose, the leaves are then placed on a piece of paper and you can start painting.
Put a little acrylic paint on one corner of the sponge or use a brush to pick up paint. Hold the leaf with one hand and stroke the edge of the leaf with the sponge or brush. Continue in this way with the entire edge of the sheet. Afterwards you can add more leaf prints and paint many beautiful autumn pictures. Also don't forget to add the leaf veins with a thin brush. It's already yoursPicture with acryliccomplete.
Ideas for a trunk made from hands
A trunk with branches can also be wonderfully designed by children's hands. To do this, you can either use finger paints, paint the arm, hands and fingers and then press them onto a piece of paper. Or you can draw the outline of the hand with a pencil on paper and then color it in with brown paint. You can now design the crown using various techniques. You have already seen some of them above. But the following ideas for painting autumn pictures are also great:
With bubble wrap
If you had the idea,Use bubble wrap? So it's best to save these practical packaging materials next time, because you can use them, among other things, to create the crown for autumn trees. For this purpose, paint is applied to the nubs. If something comes up, it's not a big deal. You then press the foil onto the paper to transfer the color and create prints. Repeat with any colors.
With toothbrush and leaves
Once you have prepared a tree trunk and some leaves (real or printed), you can get started. Distribute the leaves on the crown (several at a time or one at a time). Then pick up some watercolor paint with a toothbrush after dipping it in water. Acrylic paint can also be used, which you can dilute a little with water if necessary. Now add splatters around the leaves. You can then remove the leaves. There are also special blowing pens that can be used to create fine splashes on the picture.
With leaves as a stamp
Leaves are also great as stamps and are super easy to use for this purpose. Simply apply paint to the sheet using a brush. Then press it onto your tree with the color facing down and the leaf shape is transferred to the leaf. Combine several colors, just like in nature. Several colors can also be applied to one leaf to create a colorful leaf. There are no limits to your imagination and there are no rules. Everyone can design their tree the way they want.
Autumn landscape with ear sticks
If you would prefer to paint finer and smaller leaves for your autumn pictures, you can also use simple cotton swabs instead of corks. There are two options: Either you take a stick, dip it in the desired color and then dab along the tree branches to create a crown. Or you can make a “bouquet” out of sticks. To do this, take several pieces and tie them together with a rubber band. Now you can dip them all together in the paint and design several leaves at once.
Also try:Paint autumn pictures with children & these cool techniques!