Autumnal decoration for outside: decorate the garden and terrace

Most people are used to flowers being in full bloom during spring and summer, but there are also some fall plants that can add some color to your garden even during the cold seasons. You can decorate your patio beautifully in autumn with hardy plants, candle lanterns and natural materials. We'll show you a few nice ideas for autumn decorations for outside that you're welcome to imitate.

If you are interested in yourGarden in autumnIf you want extraordinary eye-catchers, then this exclusive trio is the right choice for you - eriken, ornamental cabbage and silver leaf.

Erika carnea, also known as winter and snow heather, comes in different colors - from white to purple and red. A great idea for your flower beds would be to create a beautiful ombre effect with several heathers in different colors.

Ornamental cabbage can easily tolerate temperatures as low as -8 degrees Celsius. If the temperatures fall below 10 degrees, the green of the curly hair begins to change color. This creates a purple heart.

The silver leaf and silver wire have beautiful silver-green leaves and can be combined beautifully with heather and ornamental cabbage.

You can make flower boxes with autumn plantings even more beautiful by covering the bottom with autumn leaves or moss. Place small decorative pumpkins, berry branches, cones or apples between the flowers in the flower pot.