Weddings are fun and not only bring great joy to the bride and groom, but also the guests. But so that this is really the case, you should make sure that everyone really has fun and that there is a change during the celebration. In addition to the changing speeches and dance performances, some funny games can also be planned for this purpose, which are supposed to raise the mood and at least make the biggest mies maker to smile. So if you would like to collect some ideas for funny wedding games with instructions, you have landed correctly. We have put together some of the most interesting and popular for you. For the rest, games for the wedding can also be organized by the guests as a surprise for the newlyweds.
Funny wedding games for entertainment - the wedding game “similarities”
This interesting game always brings you in a good mood. It should check to what extent the bride and groom know or go together. “Compliance” or “Fits the lid on the pot” is best prepared by the guests and can thus serve as a surprise for the newlyweds. For funny wedding games like this you need:
- two chairs
- Shoes of the bride
- Shoes of the groom
- many suitable questions
- Moderator who asks the questions
The chairs are put together on the backrests so that the pair of back sits on back and cannot see itself. Each of the two now needs one of their own shoes and one of the partner. Instead, you can also come up with other objects that are typical of the man or the woman (e.g. beer bottle and rolling wood). Now questions are asked. You should be able to answer these questions either with “you” or “he”. Suitable questions are, for example, who the larger late riser is, who needs more time in the bathroom or better drives car or who cooks more or better and so on. The respective object is answered. Anyone who believes that they are the answer to the question raises the bridal shoe up and whoever believes that they are the more suitable answer, raises the groom's shoe. The goal of the couple is to find as many agreement as possible without saying. For funny wedding games, a point system can always be created.
Saw trunk
There are also traditional games that are intended for the bride and groom and are fun for both the couple and the guests. The sawing of a tree trunk is one of them and is intended to symbolize the common overcoming difficulties. It is certainly not an easy task. Therefore, the thickness of the tree trunk or Auts should not be exaggerated. A saw, a branch and a saw stand is everything that is needed for this.
Funny games with guests - the pasta game
In this game you need several couples from men and women. It is best to choose only volunteers or those of whom you are sure that you really feel like it. There shouldn't be too many couples so that there is no too much mess. Each woman then gets a macaroni (long, hollow noodles with hole), which they hold on with their lips. The men in turn get a spaghetti that they hold in the same way. The aim is to put the spaghetti through the macaroni without using your hands as a tool. The first couple to do this is a winner and can also receive a prize.
“Travel to Jerusalem”
If you are looking for funny ideas for games, but the guests will also take part in this idea. A balloon filled with helium is required than guests participate. So play 10 people, 9 balloons are needed. They let them rise so that they get stuck on the ceiling. The cord that hangs on them should be long enough so that the dancing guests can reach them without any problems or at most with a small hop. The game is played on the same principle as with chair dance: as long as the music runs, there is dancing. If it is stopped, each of the dancers must grab a balloon. But since there is one too little, a guest will remain. This has to leave the dance floor. After that, a balloon is removed and always on until only one person left the game.
Trampel dance
There is dancing diligently. A partner from the guests choose men who participate voluntarily. Of course, the bride can also be chosen and the groom participates. The men each get a balloon around the ankle that the other couples have to crush while dancing. The couple, which is the only one with at least one balloon, wins the game.
Use a raffle as part of the wedding performances and organize games with loosely. So prices that are noted on the loose are required. This can be a meal for two, a dream trip, a kiss from the bride or an instant camera. Some rivets can also be there. The actual surprise takes place when the gifts are handed over after all loosely have been sold. Here is an idea of what can be handed over depending on the name of the price:
- Rustproof table service - plastic cutlery
- Romantic dinner for two - a can of finished dishes
- Home - bird cage
- Eco washing machine-core soap
- Kiss from the bride-Ferrero kiss
- Wäschetrockner – Wäscheleine
- Dream trip - sleeping pill
- BMW - bread with sausage or bag with lantern
- Floor lamp - candle
- Instant camera - mirror
The revenue of the loosely sold go to the bride and groom and can be used for the honeymoon.
The so -called Cinderella dance also belongs to the group of the few games. Here, the ladies of the guests put one shoe and put it in the middle of the dance floor. The gentlemen then choose a shoe and look for the respective lady based on the shoe size. So that the other shoe does not reveal the respective lady, women can also take off and hide the other shoe. So that the gentlemen do not have to go through the entire hall when looking for the Cinderella, the women can also sit on chairs on the dance floor in a circle. Every couple who manages to find themselves wins a dance together. To make the game even more exciting, a time in which you have to find yourself can be determined. Who does not make it, for example in 3 minutes, lose it.
Gifts in balloons
On the arrival of every guest, it must write any gift idea together with its name on a piece of paper. This can be a fourth massage, any excursion or walk or a voucher for a meal. Once all the slips are collected, they are inserted into balloons and they again inflated, whereupon they are attached to a pin board with tears or needles.
The couple now gets a certain number of attempts to destroy the balloons with a darts and thus obtain the profit they contained. A certain part of the profits can also be passed on to some of the guests.
The newspaper dance
If you like funny wedding games where you can dance, you will certainly like this idea. As the name of the game already reveals, dancing is dancing on a piece of newspaper and in no way on the bare floor around it. Anyone who touches this is ruled out. At certain intervals or whenever someone leaves, the other participants have to fold the newspaper in the middle. In this way, the dance floor is getting tighter and the task is more difficult. The one who remains last wins.
Ballons destroy
Balloons are tied to a cord. Three meters should be enough so that the game doesn't get too long. The groom is then tied up and darts are presented. The aim is that he successfully chokes all balloons by throwing, whereby his bride should give him instructions, whether more to the right or left, higher or deeper. All of this can become a wonderful memory that can be given to the couple afterwards. The calls of the bride can be recorded and processed into a funny audio file in which the calls are underlaid with music.
With all the fun, security is of course possible. Since pointed objects are thrown, care should be taken to ensure that there are no people and, above all, no small children nearby.
Feed the groom
A white sheet is prepared with a hole for the groom's head and two for the arms of the bride. The sheet is also equipped with a romper that can also be stuffed to imitate a baby. The bride and groom stand behind the sheet and use the holes as already mentioned. Now, without being able to see anything, the bride has to feed her groom with a baby porridge or something else. The perfect entertainment for every wedding guest!
The wedding game “Kutscher”
If you have already searched funny wedding games, you may have come across this. Here chairs are set up in a certain way so that they imitate a carriage shape. Guests and newlyweds take a seat, with each chair symbolizing a certain role. Then a story is read out. Every time one of the distributed roles is mentioned in history, the one has to get up and turn a round around his chair. If you miss your commitment, you have to drink a schnapps or other alcohol as a punishment. This can also be replaced by something uncomfortable to eat. Costumes and accessories can also be used for the individual roles. The exact stool distribution and the right story can be found in the link below.
If you want to design the already active and funny coachman game differently, you can also come up with additional actions. In this way, each of the roles can also be assigned a certain sound or other movements in addition to its run around the chair. For example, the coachman can call Hüh-Hott or the like that Queen waves and rattle the wheel.