Children's birthday games for indoors and outdoors

The annual birthday is a very special event for every child and should be celebrated properly! If you want to organize a birthday party for your child yourself, then you not only have to think about the party decorations and birthday cake, but also take enough time to prepare the children's birthday games. In addition to gifts, they are the unforgettable highlight of this children's event and are therefore crucial for a successful celebration. Today we're giving you some great ideas for simple games that kids can play indoors and outdoors. This means the little party guests will go home happy afterwards.

It is best to put together the game program with the birthday child, as children are often very demanding. It is also advisable to play a few quiet games after the exciting, loud onesto plan gamesto calm the party company down a bit. A great idea is this improvised craft corner, where the little princesses can let their imagination run wild and decorate their own crowns with sequins.

Barbie birthday games

Little girls really enjoy coloring and face painting, so this idea is perfect if you want to prepare quiet indoor games. All you need to do is print out a coloring picture of a pretty woman and get some coloring pens for the kids. It is also good at the beginning of the party until all the children arrive.

Makeup template

The girls can not only make up their Barbie's eyes, but also decide what color and style of hair she will have. What looks better – curly hair or a side braid? Maybe a hat too?

Outdoor construction site party games

Most boys between the ages of 4 and 8 are fascinated by excavators, dump trucks and working on a construction site. That's why it's no wonder that the construction worker theme is always popular at children's birthday parties. Will they?Games organized outside, then car tires are perfect as obstacles that children have to overcome. You can also “throw rings” with children’s traffic conesplay in the garden.

On rainy or cold birthdays, the construction site party can also take place at home. 5 year olds can have a lot of fun making this truck out of straws.

Playing tug of war in the garden

Tug of war is a classic game suitable for children ages 5 and up. If there are not a large number of children, it is not absolutely necessary for two teams to compete against each other. An interesting option would be for a child to balance on a fruit crate while trying to get the opponent over the middle using a tug of war.

“Feed the monsters”

Boys love throwing games and if a monster theme is chosen for the birthday party, then you can build such a “monster feeding” game yourself out of cardboard. Using acrylic paint, paint a monster on a large piece of cardboard and cut out a mouth. But let the monster show its teeth. It is then fed various objects such as sandbags or Frisbees. Each piece that flies into the monster's mouth counts as 10 points.

Minions games

While fun is important to toddlers, children aged 6 to 9 also love competition and collecting points for the team. Bowling, for example, is a simple game that is a good mix of movement and skill games. You can also make the skittles yourself - from plastic bottles, cans and... pool noodles!

The Minions are friendly, yellow, funny and are among children's most popular film characters. That's why they are often chosen for the theme of children's parties.

To calm the children down after the exciting games outside, you can make this memory game. You will need an even number of Minions Stickers (16 or 20) which you will use to prepare the playing cards. Each child must demonstrate their good memory and recognize and pair identical cards by turning them over as players alternate.

In summer, games with water are particularly popular, such as water bomb battles! But if you don't want the kids to get wet from head to toe, then consider this children's game. The water gun has to transport plastic cups over a distance in as short a time as possible. If the cups are painted like Minions, they will fit the party theme perfectly.

For more variety, you can decorate the cups like evil Minions. These are purple and have lush purple hair.

Make a toy out of a detergent bottle

If you are looking for easy water balloon games then here is a great idea for you! Cut out the bottom of a large detergent bottle, tape the sharp edges with tape, and tie a few colorful strips of fabric to the handle. The players then form a circle and a water bomb is thrown back and forth. Care should be taken to ensure that it falls into the play equipment. If a player doesn't catch the water bomb, it bursts on the ground. You can also play with a regular table tennis ball.

Treasure hunt perfect for pirate party

Treasure hunting is the most popular game at a pirate party. The treasure is hidden in the garden and the group of children has to find it using a treasure map. For each post, the children have to complete a specific task or overcome obstacles.

A variant of the treasure hunt can also be prepared at a cowboy party - finding treasure in a haystack. Instead of a needle, numerous sweets and small toys such as sheriff stars and horse figures are hidden in the haystack. After the start signal, all children can rush into the haystack and look for the coveted toy figures and treats. Anyone who finds something can keep it as a prize.

“Egg run” with a spoon without hands

Transporting eggs on a spoon is difficult, but is a great game for children's birthday parties. It is best to use hard-boiled eggs when racing for a “clean” game. You can also replace the egg with a light ping pong ball and try the spoon in mouth version.

Frozen children's games

Frozen Elsa and the other characters from the film of the same name have conquered the hearts of all children and are very popular as a birthday theme. The cute snowman Olaf is also among the favorites. In this game, mummy wrapping with toilet paper is transformed into snowman wrapping, true to the motto. The children are divided into groups of 2 or 3, one of which is the snowman and is wrapped with toilet paper. At the end, the finished snowmen get a nose and construction paper buttons.