Five cool craft instructions for Easter – dyeing Easter eggs

Easter is approaching - prepare for the family celebration with interesting and original Easter craft instructions - we have collected cool ideas for you on how you can color and decorate Easter eggs. They are a refreshing alternative to the traditional Easter eggs and the end result is sure to delight your family and friends.

Create the Easter eggs with watercolor paints. Your children can create the dot pattern using their fingers. Brushes are also an alternative, depending on what shapes you want to get. In this way you can add accents or design the entire eggs.

Glue a bunny or otherEaster stickerson the egg. Next, you have two options, depending on how much time you want to invest in this decoration idea. Take a toothbrush and dip it in paint. Then run your finger over the bristles, adding splashes of color to the egg. This is the faster version. If you would like to determine the pattern of the splashes yourself, you can also take a very thin brush and paint the dots on the Easter egg yourself.

You can also get pretty patterns by covering the eggs with electrical tape. Above you can see how you can combine three colors together. It's always best to start with the lightest color and note that some color combinations will result in a different color.

You can use paper to make great Easter figures in which you can integrate the Easter egg. Here you can see an example of a bunny with the Easter egg forming the head. The body can be made from a toilet paper roll.

These sweet Easter eggs are simply fascinating - and your children will definitely be happy about them. Boil the eggs. Buy special food coloring and dye the Easter eggs. Glue beak cut out of cardboard. To make the design look more fun, you can choose different animals - sometimes an Easter bunny, sometimes chickens and then arrange them on the table.

These fun patterns with overlapping circle motifs are very easy to imitate. To achieve the same effect, you will need a sponge or cotton swab. Make several small circle shapes out of it and use them as an applicator. Allow each color circle to dry completely before applying the next color.

These stunning Easter egg ideas are surprisingly easy to make. You will need – boiled eggs, vinegar, vegetable or food coloring and olive oil. Place the boiled eggs in a warm vinegar bath consisting of 50% water and 50% vinegar for 20 minutes, then rinse well. Then dye the eggs in a basic color and let them dry out. Place the eggs in an olive oil bath /2 tablespoons/. Roll the eggs in the olive oil to create the marble effect.

Another easy idea on how to color your Easter eggs - cut out different designs from adhesive tape and stick them on the boiled eggs. Color the Easter eggs and let them dry out. Remove the tape.

A luxurious decoration with a metal finish - here we present you several extraordinary gold and silver Easter egg designs. For this oneCraft ideaYou will need water-based metallic paint and a small, soft brush. You can find all materials in a craft shop. As a precaution, you should not eat these eggs. Ask the shop whether and how you can protect yourself and your children when dyeing.

Bright and strong colors create a happy atmosphere. Play with colors and designs - you can paint colorful motifs and patterns with acrylic paint and a fine brush. Let your creativity run wild and create your own design. For optimal effect, the chicken eggs should be white.

We will introduce you to even more colorful and fun ideas for decorations with Easter eggs in the next articles.