Crafting with cans for Easter – great craft projects for young and old

Upcycling or recycling crafts are becoming increasingly popular when decorating for Easter. Whether old CDs, empty egg cartons or toilet rolls, useless objects can be turned into great decorations for the popular festival. All you need is a suitable idea. Today we'll show you what you can make out of tin cans. The tin craft projects are perfect for Easter and spring and the children can also get involved.

Make flower vases with cans

You can make pretty flower vases and pots out of empty cans. For example, you can decorate the cans with paper or paint them with paint to coordinate them with the rest of the decoration. For our first craft project you will need the following:

empty tin can
Tissue paper in any color
Napkin glue
Foam brush

First, remove the labels from the can. The tissue paper is a little transparent and cannot hide them completely. Then cut a fewStrips of different colors paperout of. For a colorful vase you need at least 3 colors that go well together. To decorate the tin can, brush it with the napkin glue and glue the paper strips one by one, overlapping.

When the can is completely covered, allow the glue to dry thoroughly. Then all that remains is to fill the upcycled flower vase with flowers. For example, you can make beautiful paper flowers out of muffin cases and pipe cleaners and arrange them in the vase. Such a pretty craft will definitely find space on your windowsill.

DIY vase for spring flowers

We present a second variant for a flower vase made from an empty can below. This craft idea is a nice decoration idea for Easter, as the Easter bunny is also hidden in the “grass” vase. If you want to bring some spring spirit into your home, this craft project is definitely the right choice.

What you need:

a can
Pipe cleaners
green tissue paper
colorful fabric scraps (cut into strips)
Double-sided tape
fresh spring flowers of your choice

Start with the bunny ears. To do this, you need two pipe cleaners that you shape by hand. Then tie a piece of fabric to the bottom of the pipe cleaner and wrap it completely around the rabbit ears. Cut out any prominent edges and fringes. Stick the rabbit ears in the can with adhesive tape so that they stand out a little.

Now fold the green tissue paper in half. You need a piece large enough to wrap around the entire tin can. To recreate the grass effect, cut thin fringe along the folded edge with fringe scissors (or regular household scissors). Then wrap the can and tape the paper to the back with the tape. You can embellish the front with a decorative doily and a pretty bow made from the leftover fabric. Finally, fill the vase with water and insert fresh spring flowers.

Make bunny flower pots with cans

If you want to decorate your home for Easter and at the same time give the children great joy, then you can make these funny bunny flower pots with cans. Various bulb flowers can be planted in it to create a wonderful spring atmosphere in your home.

Materials and tools:

old tin can
Craft felt or foam rubber in white and pink
white spray paint
big googly eyes
large pompom in pink or white
Spring flowers in soil, e.g. B. Daffodils or tulips
Hot glue, scissors, pen

The procedure is not complicated at all. First spray the tin can with white paint and let it dry. In the meantime, cut out the rabbit ears, feet and nose in the appropriate size and glue the individual parts together. You each need two white ears with pink insides and two white paws with pink pads.

When the paint is dry, glue the ears to the back and the paws to the front of the can. Add the wiggly eyes above the paws, as well as a nose made of pompom or piece of felt/foam rubber in pink. Finally, glue the large pompom to the back as a tail. All you have to do is transfer the flowers and some soil into the can and the funny Easter flower pot is ready.

Funny Easter baskets for children

Using the same method as for the flower vases, you can also make great Easter baskets or pen holders for Easter with cans. Cover the empty can with white for a bunny and yellow for a chick. Further decorate the can with a muzzle and fluffy tail or a beak and a few yellow feathers to create the appropriate animal. If you want the craft to serve as a basket for Easter eggs and sweets, make a handle out of pipe cleaner.

Colorful baskets for egg hunts

One of the funniestEaster games for childrenis the egg hunt. When little ones find the hidden eggs, they usually need matching baskets to collect them. If eggs of different colors are sought during the game, these can be sorted into matching colored baskets as part of the game. You can quickly and easily make and decorate matching baskets from a few empty tin cans.

Use a drill or hole punch to make the holes for the handle and the easiest way to paint the cans is with spray or acrylic paint. It's that simple!

Easter bunnies in kindergarten

Beautiful Easter motifs can also be made with cans in kindergarten. Have the children paint the tin cans and turn them into different animals for Easter. The fun is guaranteed!

Make decorations for the mantel using tin cans

Below you will find more ideas for inspiration for the crafts. Browse through the picture gallery and discover many great craft ideas for indoors and outdoors.

Make flower garden stakes with cans for Easter and spring

Instructions for a garden bird feeder made from tin cans

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