Carnival is already over and you can hardly wait for Easter to come? Prepare for the wonderful family celebration - we will show you exciting craft projects for children to do at Easter. Sweet chicks, funny Easter bunnies and colorful Easter eggs can be found in the photo gallery below!
This craft idea is super easy and very cute at the same time. For your project you need eithercolored Easter eggs, or wooden eggs, or blown eggs, buttons, satin ribbon, felt, googly eyes to stick on, felt, scissors and glue. Let your imagination run wild – the more colorful the Easter bunnies are, the better! Small children ages 4 and up can help cut out the bunny ears and glue the individual details. Children up to 4 years old could swallow the small details - so you should not take part.
By the way, the quickest way to create Easter decorations is from egg cartons. Shown above - two cute chicks, below you will find two cute Easter bunnies. The children can help with the craft project - and you can then use these decorations to brighten up the Easter table.
This Easter bunny was made from a plastic egg, modeling clay, pipe cleaners and felt. Such cool decorations for the children's table can be made in less than 10 minutes. You can find more cool ideas in the photo gallery below.