We gave you that last weekMost space-saving raised bed for balconies and terracespresented and explains how you can build it yourself from a plastic barrel. In addition, we would like to give you some ideas about what you can plant in it. Whether flowers, vegetables or herbs – there are many options for vertical gardening on the balcony that enable efficient use of space. Best of all, you can grow approximately four times more plants in a vertical raised bed like this than in a raised bed box.
Different types of lettuces
The freshly picked lettuce is a real treat, especially if it comes from organic farming. Lettuces are one of the best plants to grow in a vertical raised bed on the balcony. But many people wonder how you can grow such a huge head of lettuce in such small pockets? The answer is simple: the lettuce is large, but grows on a stalk about a centimeter thick. The pocket of the barrel raised bed definitely offers enough space for the roots to develop. Cut lettuces take about a month and a half to reach their full size. Suitable varieties for growing lettuce in raised beds are romaine lettuce, Salanova, winter endive, iceberg lettuce and Lola Rosa.
A few gardening tips:
1. It is recommended to plant the young plants two weeks apart so that the lettuces can be harvested at different times.
2. Leaf lettuce is considered a cold-resistant vegetable and can be planted in raised beds as early as mid-February. They love winter, rain and cold. As temperatures warm up, there's a chance they'll turn bitter.
3. You can pick a whole head as needed or alternatively just a few leaves to allow new leaves to grow again.
You can find further information about growing lettuce in pots or flower boxesin this article.
The vegetables that are mainly harvested in winter and are suitable for growing in raised beds on the balcony include various greens such as kale, rocket, leek, coriander, chives, garden mustard and celery (head or leaves).
Grow radishes in raised beds
Radishes are also shallow-rooted and can be sown in raised beds from mid-February. Their slightly spicy taste enhances any salad.
We usually recommend buying and planting young seedlings, but the radishes can toobe grown from seeds. Simply place about 10 seeds 1 centimeter deep in each pocket of the barrel raised bed or spread a larger amount on top of the soil. For healthy growth they need about 4 centimeters apart.
Growing spinach on the balcony
Spinach is another plant that thrives in the balcony raised bed. It grows from a small seedling and multiplies in quantities that will amaze you. Just take into account the fact that spinach does not get along with other goosefoot plants such as beetroot and chard. Good neighbors for spinach are strawberries, radishes, cabbage, kohlrabi and tomatoes.
If you want to grow winter vegetables on the balcony, chard should definitely not be missing. You can easily grow chard seeds from March onwards. As soon as the seedlings are about 3 cm high, they can be planted in the raised bed. The recommended place for him is on top of the raised bed tower as he reaches an enormous size. Chard is very tasty, even wrapped into roulades with filling, and is full of good nutrients.
Pull garlic yourself
Growing garlic is so easy and fun. Separate the garlic cloves and place them in the pockets of the raised bed about two centimeters deep with the bulb base facing down. The best time to do this is mid-September to early October or in spring from mid-February to mid-March. The garlic leaves are also edible and can also be used for seasoning.
Cabbage, cauliflower, romanesco and broccoli
Different types of cabbage can also be grown well in a sunny raised bed. Since most varieties produce large heads and fairly dense foliage, we recommend only placing individual plants at the top of the raised bed so that they can grow in height and width.
The kohlrabi plants can be planted in the raised bed from the beginning of April
Broccoli and cauliflower get along perfectly
Romanesco grows excellently in raised beds
Growing tomatoes on the balcony
Heat-loving plants such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and zucchini are particularly happy about the pleasant climate in the raised bed. From mid-May you can plant the tomatoes in the raised bed. It is best to plant these on the back side of the raised bed tower facing away from the sun and allow plenty of space for growth, as they quickly reach enormous heights. It is recommended to plant the tomatoes in the upper pockets or at the very top of the vertical raised bed.
Since the tomato plants cannot support their own weight, they need a trellis to hold them upright as they grow. Without support, the tomatoes will fall to the ground and spoil if they come into direct contact with the ground. Here are a few ways you can support the plants:
- Stabilize the plants in the ground with a bamboo stick
- Let the plant climb on a trellis on the wall
- let the plant hang on the balcony railing
It is also possible to grow cucumbers on the balcony
Grow your own peppers, hot peppers, chilli etc
Just like tomatoes, peppers also belong to the nightshade family and have similar requirements for sun, soil, etc. Since peppers need space, are very hungry and even more thirsty, it is advisable to choose varieties with short stature. The best time to plant early (or purchased) young pepper and chili plants in raised beds is also mid to late May.
Grow your own strawberries
Like usin this articlehave shown that you can plant strawberries almost anywhere. And if you build a vertical strawberry garden, you will not only save space, but also enjoy larger yields. If you choose to intercrop, place the strawberry plants in the upper pockets or at the very top of the tower.
Plant the balcony raised bed with herbs
If you like to refine every dish with fresh herbs, you can opt for a raised herb bed on the balcony. The selection of culinary and medicinal herbs is quite large. By the way, you canbe inspired by these herbal spirals. Just like the herb spiral, our raised bed tower offers living space for a wide variety of plants with different needs and applications. Most herbs can be planted in raised beds at any time from spring to early fall!
Mixed culture of useful plants and insect-friendly flowers
For a successful harvest, it is best to choose a mixture of crops and ornamental flowers to attract bees and insects to the raised bed. Bees have a positive influence on fruit yield and the taste of fruit and vegetables. You can find out how you can make your balcony garden more attractive for pollinators in our articleBalcony plants for bees – which types are suitable and how to combine them?