Crafting with Styrofoam eggs for Easter – creative ideas and suggestions for colorful Easter decorations

When the most colorful spring festival is just around the corner, every year you ask yourself the question of how to dye the most original Easter eggs and creatively decorate your apartment. Among the countless decoration ideas, we have selected some great suggestions for you that you can easily replicate at home. So that you can enjoy the Easter splendor for a long time, the focus of today's article is on Styrofoam eggs. Crafting with Styrofoam eggs at Easter is guaranteed to be a lot of fun! Let our suggestions inspire you!

Decorate the Styrofoam eggs with paper

Crafting with StyrofoamEggs for Easter gives you the opportunity to use many different techniques and create unique, individual Easter eggs. You can use your small, colorful works of art as decoration or as a gift to your loved ones. With our first craft project you can transform the Styrofoam eggs into a beautiful spring meadow in no time.

Get Styrofoam eggs in the desired size, cardboard in beautiful pastel colors and pins. Then punch out several small flowers and cover the egg with them. Whether plain, colorful or in an ombré look, theseStyrofoam creationsare a great decoration for Easter.

You can also use small paper circles for great Styrofoam decorations. Then attach them slightly overlapping and decorate them with the finished Easter eggsfestive tableor the window sill. The choice of pattern and color is of course entirely up to you and can also be coordinated with the rest of the furnishings.

Decoration idea with sequins

You can also decorate decorative Easter eggs made of Styrofoam with various sequins to your heart's content. With such a decoration you can make the room shine and bring a touch of glamor into the interior. Feel absolutely free in terms of color, size and style of your decoration!

All you need to do for this foolproof craft project would be to attach the sparkling sequins. You can either glue the sequins in different designs or skewer them onto the Styrofoam egg using tiny pins. Be creative and design a pattern that makes the decorative eggs unique.

Colorful Easter eggs with a difference: crochet them and wrap them with yarn

If you like knitting or crocheting, you can crochet the Styrofoam eggs for Easter or knit a colorful cover for them. If you tie a nice ribbon around it, you have a great, handmade gift ready for Easter. To ensure that the great knitted or crocheted coat fits perfectly and looks good in the Easter basket, try the Easter egg again and again to see if it fits.

If you have leftover yarn or colorful yarn lying around at home, you can simply wrap it around the eggs. Coat the decorative egg with glue, think of a great color combination and decorate the Easter eggs according to your taste.

Paint the Styrofoam eggs

If you are looking for ideas for an original table decoration for Easter, you might be able to create such an Easter egg flower arrangement. For this great decoration idea you will need Styrofoam eggs in different sizes, wooden sticks or shish kebab skewers, craft paint in green, yellow and blue, gift ribbons as well as a Styrofoam ball and a bucket or vase in which the ball fits. Cut the ball in half and color it green.

You will use these instead of floral sponges for your “bouquet”. Now put the Styrofoam eggs on the skewers and color them in the desired color. Once the paint is dry, insert the skewers into the Styrofoam. Complete your Easter egg arrangement with pretty fresh or artificial flowers, bows and butterflies. Placed next to a decorative Easter bunny figure, your arrangement is an ideal centerpiece.

Creative design with felt

You can also realize your creative ideas for crafting with Styrofoam eggs for Easter using colorful felt wool. You can use simple Styrofoam eggs to create beautiful works of art that are far too beautiful to simply be hidden. Whether plain, dotted, floral or striped, the felted Easter eggs can be given as a gift, hung up or simply placed anywhere in the home.

If you want to make crafts with colorful felting wool, you will also need a foam felting base and a felting needle. Place an egg on the base and place the wool in the desired color on top. Now start felting the egg by piercing the wool with the felting needle. Turn the egg over onto the surface and pierce often and close together.

Another great suggestion for colorful Easter crafts are these Easter eggs, which are created using the so-called artichoke technique. With this craft technique, triangles made of ribbons are attached to the egg with pins, slightly overlapping. Although the technique is a little more time-consuming, you'll amaze friends and family with these colorful masterpieces.

Decorate Easter eggs with napkin technology

Enchantingly beautiful Easter eggs are also created through decoupage. Choose napkins with a beautiful Easter motif and separate the top layer for the first time. Cut out the design. Coat the Easter egg with napkin varnish and carefully place the motif on it. Fix the motif with another layer of varnish, working with the brush from the center outwards.

Simple craft idea for children

If you would like to do Easter crafts with children, the decorative Easter eggs made of Styrofoam would be a good opportunity for the adolescents to let off steam creatively and design the Easter decorations themselves. Let the little fingers either cover them with scraps of paper or paint them to their heart's content.

Make your own moss eggs

If you want to bring a touch of nature into your home, then natural materials such as moss, grass or thin twigs are particularly suitable for crafting with Styrofoam eggs at Easter. Put some glue on the Styrofoam egg and carefully place the moss pieces on top. Placed in a small nest, your creation is ideal for giving as a gift.