70+ fresh spring decoration ideas – decorate and craft with moss

Making an Easter bunny out of moss: Instructions for spring table decorations

Not only simple balls can be formed from moss. You can cover even complicated animal figures with moss. We'll explain to you how you can make an Easter bunny out of moss and how you can then display the decorative figure at the Easter table. The craft instructions are very simple and suitable for complete craft beginners as well as hobby gardeners. You need the following materials and accessories:

  • Easter bunny made of Styrofoam
  • fresh moss (one layer)
  • Patent fasteners for attaching moss
  • Garden scissors and floral wire

Here's how to do it: First, divide the sheet moss into pieces and place it piece by piece on the Easter bunny. Pin the natural material with the patent fasteners. Continue until you have covered the entire animal figure. You can also attach the moss with floral wire. Simply insert the end of the floral wire into the rabbit's head and wrap it around the animal figure. The Easter bunny made of moss is ready, now all that remains is to tie a decorative ribbon around his neck.