Spring decoration with tulips: arrange the arrangements yourself

There are almost 200 species of tulips. These perennial flowers that bloom in spring are perfect for floral arrangements. Today we will show you some beautiful ideas for spring decorations with tulips. Arranging flowers is not difficult at all and with proper care, your bouquets and arrangements can last up to two weeks.

For this decoration idea you need fresh spring flowers, cake stands with glass bells, floral foam and moss. Orchids, tulips, hyacinths, anemones and ferns were used here. First, the floral sponge must be soaked in water for at least an hour. Then arrange the flowers on top by playing with different heights. Hide the floral sponge with damp moss and lay carefullythe bell jaron the cake stand.

Take a medium-sized clay pot. Place the water-soaked floral foam in the center of a piece of cellophane, wrap it around the foam and place it in the clay pot. Insert the flowers into the floral sponge, working from the center outwards. Cover the gaps between flowers with moss.

This idea is super simple. Place tulips at different heights in two different sized glass vases. Fill the vases with a little water and check the water level every day.

Group flowers of the same height - five in a bunch - and tie the stems with a rubber band. Hide the elastic with a tulip leaf and decorative pin. Cut off the stems below the leaf.

Take the tulips and lilygrass in hand and tie the stems together with a rubber band. Hide the elastic with decorative ribbon or raffia. Cut the stems to the appropriate length for your vase. Leave the flowers at an angle in the vase and hang slightly over the edge of the vase.

Spring decorations with real green plants or cut flowers don't have to be complicated or elaborate. With very simple means you can always make something wonderful that will bring a good mood into the house.

The freshly picked flowers or beautiful house plants create a good atmosphere with their colors and natural freshness. Arrange the beautiful tulips creatively and imaginatively, experiment with vessels and vases. Be surprised at what could be created without much effort!