Recharge yourself with a good mood by making creative spring decorations yourself! Make yourself an early left wreath. We would be happy to tell you how. Whether you hang it on the front door to welcome your guests or place it in the window for pedestrians to enjoy, it will never go unnoticed.
So that youMake your own spring wreath, you need different materials. Other than these you needed for the fall wreath or the winter wreath. The difference is mainly in the colors and the fabrics you need. The colors green, pink, purple, yellow and sky blue are popular for spring. Flowers, butterflies, birds, ladybugs, bees and bows are characteristic of spring decorations.
Colorful decoration ideas for spring
After you have already chosen a specific model, tie the branches like a circle. To make the construction even stronger and more stable, you could glue the branches or tie them with a bow. You can then decorate it with flowers (tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, gerberas, etc.).
If the branches have no leaves, you could put some between them. At the end comes the glue that holds everything together nicely. For the details you could use materials such as paper, fabric or felt.
Be creative and experiment with the shape of your spring wreath. A special design is an atmospheric message that greets people who enter right at the entrance to the house. It would be nice if this awakened a smile and positive feelings. The following examples serve as a real enrichment and source of inspiration.
A spring wreath doesn't always have to be round or made of flowers. Take a pretty picture frame, decorate with flowers, moss, tie a bow and you have already created a creative door wreath yourself. A green garden hose can be quickly shaped into a round shape. A pair of gardening gloves and some artificial spring flowers are perfect for this. Let your imagination run wild!
Spring wreath with a difference: imaginative idea made from a garden hose
Door decoration made of embroidery frame covered with colorful fabric
Door wreath made of artificial grass and artificial flowers in fresh colors
Flower wreath decorates the entrance door
Tie tulips into a wreath
Great floral decoration
Kreative Türdeko mit Filz
Spring wreath made of branches
Door wreath covered with moss