Do you want to create something to match Easter again? How about this idea? You can make a cute, hatching chick with a few simple products from an ordinary, hard -boiled egg for Easter. Your children will love this idea and take part in the crafting afternoon! Instead of the edible materials, please also use the eggshell and an artificial chick figure to design a cute decoration for this and every coming Easter.
You need:
- 1 hard -boiled, peeled egg
- 1 carrot
- 1 sheet of iceberg salad
- 1 small knife
- 1 scissors
- 1 colorful paper cup
Prepare the face of the chick
Cut a triangle out of the carrot with the knife, which the beak of theShow chickenshould. With the scissors, cut out two eyes from the Nori leaf. Take the egg in your hand and carefully cut a zigzag line in the middle and around the whole egg with the knife, so it looks like the shell had broken. Make sure not to cut into the egg yolk. Now remove the cut part of the protein from the egg yolk and put it aside.
Cut the egg straighten
Place your eyes and beak on the egg yolk so that a face is created. Fill the cardboard cup with the salad leaf and put the egg in it. It seems like the chick slip in the grass. Place the egg whites you just put aside on the egg yolk, but in such a way that the face of the chick can be seen. To do this, simply bring it into a slope.
In this way, the breakfast eggs can serve for Easter and make the whole family happy. You can also surprise guests in this way by transforming the colorful Easter eggs into egg chicks and offering them as a small snack.