Draped beautifully on the windowsill, spread out on the dining table or hung over the mantel as Easter decorations: an Easter garland is always a special eye-catcher and a sure sign that Easter is already around the corner. We'll show you several ideas on how to make an Easter garland. Cast onecheerful decorationmade of paper, felt or fabric and let the children help! With these DIY ideas, crafting fun is guaranteed for the whole family.
Make an Easter garland: Easter bunny silhouette
Whether on the kitchen cupboard, above the mantel or on theWall in the children's room, the first sweet bunny garland looks good anywhere in the house. To recreate them, all you need is cardboard, twine, a needle, glue, pompoms and natural wooden beads. You will also need a flat brush and paints in pastel shades, tone-on-tone with the cardboard. How to make the Easter garland:
1. Cut out Easter bunny silhouettes and carrot shapes from cardboard. Poke two holes in each decorative figure so that you can later thread the twine through them and hang up the Easter garland. Glue the pompoms to the Easter bunnies.
2. Paint the wooden beads, place them on cling film and wait until the paint dries completely.
3. Thread 15 wooden beads, then an Easter bunny, then 3 wooden beads, then a carrot, then three wooden beads again, then an Easter bunny... Continue until you have threaded all the decorative figures.
TheEaster craftsis a nice activity, especially for families with children. If you want to conjure up a beautiful garland but can't draw the carrots and Easter bunnies freehand, you can use a ready-made stencil. Print out the templates and cut them out. Then you can transfer them to cardboard and task the children with cutting out the designs.
Smaller children love cutting out and painting designs. Crafting develops fine motor skills and increases the ability to concentrate. Children aged eight can also transfer the stencil to cardboard. This task primarily requires skill, which children of this age do not yet possess. So, in order to accomplish the task, you should choose templates that are as simple as possible.
Make an Easter bunny garland and decorate with fresh flowers
A template is also available to print out for your next craft idea. This makes crafting child's play. All you need to do is print out the template in the desired size and then transfer it to cardboard. Cut out white Easter bunnies and draw a face with markers. Cut the stems of the spring flowers (you only need the flowers) and glue them between the bunny ears. Hole the tip of each Easter bunny's ear in the middle and thread it onto a piece of twine.
Make an Easter garland: template
If you use the craft template, you can first set the desired size (simply change the scale when printing) and then print the template directly onto cardboard.
This is how you can make a colorful garland for Easter
Toddlers love painting and cutting out simple shapes. The Easter egg also has a simple oval shape. A garland withcolorful Easter eggsmade of cardboard therefore offers numerous design options: you can paint them with watercolors, decorate them with glitter and rhinestones or decorate them with stickers. And the best thing: Even inexperienced craft fans can draw an Easter egg freehand. However, if you want to save time, then you can use a template. Simply trace the outline of the stencil on colored paper and let the children cut it out.
Make an Easter bunny garland: DIY idea with balloons
The perfect decoration for the children's table at Easter: You can make a creative Easter garland using real or artificial flowers, balloons, cotton wool, pom-poms, cardboard and pipe cleaners. First, cut a 2-3 meter long piece of twine and wrap it with real or artificial flowers. Inflate the balloons and tie them to the garland so they face the same direction. Cut out the bunny ears from cardboard and shape the nose from cotton wool. For the whiskers you will need six white pipe cleaners. Attach all the details with glue (in no case use hot glue).
Make an Easter garland: template for bird feathers
If you want a creative Easter decoration, then the next idea is just right for you. It is perfect as a beautiful window picture for the children's room. You will need cardboard in different colors, glitter, a brush and scissors. First print the template on white cardstock and then transfer it to colored cardstock. For a 2 meter long garland you will need about 40 bird feathers. You can cut half of them with scissors so that they move slightly with every draft. Then paint the tips of the feathers with gold glitter and tie the feathers into a garland with twine.
Easter decoration with garland made from egg carton
You can actually make numerous decorative figures with an egg carton: cute caterpillars, happy chicks, cute flowers. Below we will explain to you how you can make colorful butterflies yourself from the old egg carton. You will need a white egg carton, watercolor paints, colorful pipe cleaners and a paint brush. First cut out the six egg compartments from the egg carton. Then cut each compartment four times from the top. Use the scissors to shape the fans to resemble a butterfly. The children can then paint the butterflies. Then attach the pipe cleaners.
Make an Easter garland: Make your own flowers out of paper
You don't need a template for the next Easter garland. Making the flowers out of cardboard is actually super easy.
Easter decoration with garland made of paper carrots
Get in the mood for Easter: a garland made of paper carrots is guaranteed to put you in a good mood in the children's room. For this craft idea you need the following materials: cardboard in orange, light green and dark green, scissors and twine. How to make the cute carrots:
1. Use a compass to draw a circle on the orange cardboard and cut it out. Now draw a triangular wedge and cut it out. Bring the interfaces of the paper circle together and tape them together from the inside with tape. This creates a cone. Cut out a square measuring 6 cm x 20 cm from the light green cardboard, fold it in half and cut into it. Repeat the process and cut out a square from the dark green cardboard, fold it in half and cut into it. Insert the uncut end into the cone and secure it with tape.
Make a bunny garland: idea with felt and pompoms
Below we will explain to you how you can make three-dimensional Easter pendants yourself from felt and wool. This craft idea is super easy and suitable even for kindergarten children, i.e. between 4 and 6 years old. For the Easter bunny garland you will need felt fabric in pink and white, small pink pompoms, ping pong balls, scissors, hot glue, a needle and thread. This is how the Easter decoration is made: First, make a template for the Easter bunny's ears, cut it out and transfer the larger detail to white felt fabric and the smaller detail to pink felt fabric. Then glue the pink details to the white bunny ears. Then attach the bunny ears to a ping pong ball. Then you can also attach the Easter bunny's nose. Thread the thread into the needle. Use the needle to make two holes in each ping pong ball and thread the Easter bunnies onto them. Alternatively, you can simply glue the Easter bunnies to the twine.
Make Easter decorations to hang up
The next Easter garland can spice up bare walls, windows and room doors. You will need plastic egg cartons, crepe paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, thread and Mod Podge. Simply cut out the individual compartments from the egg carton, then apply a coat of Mod Podge to the inside. Cut the crepe paper and line the inside of each compartment with it. Punch out circles from the cardboard and alternately glue a compartment to a thread, then a circle from the cardboard. Hang the garland vertically.
Make your own garland with Easter eggs made of cardboard
Decorate the window, front door or a wall in the children's room with colorful Easter eggs. For the next craft instructions you will need the following materials: a template for an Easter egg, watercolors, a brush, scissors, a sewing machine and white cardboard. First, let the children paint the white cardboard in any way they want. You can try out different painting techniques together, mix colors and create gradients. Then let the colors dry. In the meantime, you can freehand draw and cut out a stencil for an Easter egg. Then transfer them to the cardboard and cut out the Easter eggs. Then use a sewing machine to sew the Easter eggs together. Leave a space of 4 cm between the eggs.
Make a garland with Easter eggs out of Styrofoam
If you want the garland to last for a long time, decorative items from the craft shop can be used. The Styrofoam Easter eggs look deceptively real and can be designed in many different ways. For a purist look, paint the eggs in different shades of blue and let them dry. Then use a small brush to apply blobs of a dark blue shade.
Whether made of cardboard, fabric or wool: with an Easter garland you can put yourself and your family in a festive mood. Be inspired by our suggestions and create your own design. Combine the templates with each other to create a beautiful garland.