Making Easter bunnies with children – 6 ideas with instructions

Easter is coming and it's never too early for fresh decoration and craft ideas.Make Easter bunniesIt's definitely a lot of fun with children. With these instructions you will soon have colorful, fun Easter decorations that are quick and easy to make.

These little Easter bunnies can also be given as a giftin the Easter basketbe inserted.

You need:

Small sock
Felt fabric
Googly eyes
large felt ball
Rubber bands

Step 1:

Stuff the sock with about 1/2 cup of rice (it depends on the size of the sock). Tie two rubber bands around the sock to create a body with a head: the first goes on the neck, the second goes on the head.

Step 2:

Cut a piece of felt fabric - this will be the bunny's belly. Attach the felt cutout to the body with glue.

Step 3:

Glue the googly eyes, teeth (they are made from two identical small rectangular pieces of felt), the felt ball at the back and the nose (a triangular piece cut from the felt material). Tie a bow around your neck.

Step 4:

Cut the top part of the sock in two to create the ears.

You can also experiment with the colors and materials.

Make pompom Easter bunnies

You can use thick yarn for these cuddly soft pompom Easter bunnies.

Make from the thick yarntwo pompoms in different sizes, which will be the head and body of the bunny.

After you have trimmed the two popoms round with scissors, tie them together.

Cut ears out of felt fabric. Attach them upside down with glue.

Take a ball of cotton and stick it on as a tail.

The eyes are two glued black beads.

Take some pieces of nylon thread and thread them through a bead and glue it in place.

This composition serves as a nose and is attached to the rabbit's head with the glue.

A rabbit made of rags

To make this cute bunny you will need the following:
The patch
Colorful ribbon
Googly eyes
White and pink pompoms

1. Lay your rag flat

2. Roll the top left and bottom right corners towards each other and tie the roll with the ribbon.

3. Turn the rag over so the rolled corners remain down

4. Fold the roll as shown in the picture

5. Attach the roll with the tape

6. This is what the rabbit looks like from the front

7. Carefully pull the two corners of the flap to the right and left - these will be the ears

8. Glue the googly eyes and pompoms as the tail and snout and the bunny is ready

You can also add a carrot to the Easter bunny.

Tray for charging your cell phone

You can make a great gift idea for Easter as follows. It is a cute plate on which the smartphone can be placed and charged. The idea is not only useful, but also cute and easy to replicate.

Disguise plates

You need any fabric. Fleece was used here. There is also a plate, pompoms, plush wire, googly eyes and bristles from a brush. To make the Easter bunny, wrap the fabric around the plate and glue it in place. Then create the rabbit's face as shown.

Make the ears

You can also create the ears from fabric. Next to you is the same fabric as for the plate, as well as another one in pink. Prepare a template so that all ears are the same size. Glue the pieces of fabric together and then to the plate. Your Easter bunny is ready!

Sewing cuddly bunnies for children

Children love cuddly toys, so you can sew a cute bunny for your little one as an Easter gift. For this you need a sewing machine and some fabrics in matching colors. Alternatively, you can also use felt.

Make cute stand-up bunnies with children

You can make these pretty Easter bunnies out of fabric and give them as gifts at Easter. They are suitable both as decoration for the home and as filling for Easter baskets. The fabric is filled with rice and cotton wool and then designed into a bunny.

*You can find the complete instructions for making Easter bunnies from old sockshere.

*You can find the complete instructions for making pompom Easter bunnieshere.

*The complete instructions for making Easter bunnies – a bunny made of rags can be foundhere.

*You can find the complete instructions for the plate to charge your cell phonehere.

*Instructions and sewing template for cuddly bunnyhere.

* You can find the instructions for the stand-up bunnieshere.