Make your own Easter wreath with natural materials & Easter decorations: Decorate it with eggs, Easter bunnies, etc.!

Are you already looking forward to the wonderful Easter season? Then you can start with the first decorations. Especially if you want to make one or two Easter decorations yourself for outside and inside, it's worth starting in good time. And since the weather still has rainy days every now and then, there will still be plenty of opportunities for craft afternoons. We particularly associate spring with nature, so natural materials seem to be perfect! We show a few instructions and ideas with which you can make your own Easter wreath from natural materials.

The Easter bunny and Easter eggs are probably the first things we think of when we hear “Easter”. Therefore, these motifs are also perfect if you want to make an Easter wreath yourself. Let's start with a simple model that youwith rabbit ears. Simply use any leftover materials or old clothes to recycle them. For the recycling project you need:

  • Kranzrohling
  • Fabric (shouldn't be too heavy)
  • Blumendraht
  • Strips of burlap to tie a bow
  • Fabric scissors, ruler, wire cutters, hot glue

This is how it is made:

  • Cut out a bunny ear from the fabric and then use it as a template for three more. Since the first one will not be symmetrical on both sides of the ears, pay attention to the fabric side when transferring. Afterwards you will always place two ear elements inside out and glue them together. Cut the element accordingly.
  • Roughly shape the ear shape with wire and cut two pieces. The wire should stick out of the bottom of the fabric.
  • Glue the first wire to the left side of one ear and then glue the other fabric element over it. Repeat with the other ear.
  • Now check the ears and trim any uneven edges.
  • Using the protruding wire, tie the ears to the wreath.
  • Tie a bow from the ribbon opposite your ears.

Make a natural egg-shaped wreath

When you make your Easter wreath instead of using a blank, you can shape it into any suitable shapes. And what shape would be more suitable for Easter than the oval egg shape? Wire is ideal, but the whole thing looks more naturalwith branches, of course. Use willow branches or vines held together with floral wire.

Anything you add afterwards is up to you. Add some artificial greenery with leaves or moss and flowers. Easter eggs, which can be either artificial or blown out and designed, are also very suitable. You might even find a nice, lightweight bunny figurine that you can hot glue into the wreath. Crepe paper or tissue paper can also be usedbeautiful elementsmaking for the Easter wreath.

Use a rustic straw wreath as a base

It becomes natural and rustic at the same time with a straw wreath as the basis for your door wreath. Add a few ears of wheat, rye or barley and also a few flowers such as gypsophila orAdd dried flowers. You can then add color by gluing some foam Easter eggs to the wreath.

Make your own Easter wreath completely from natural materials

If you really want everything to be natural, then this option might be something for you. It is best to take a finished blank from twigs and lift itone or another egg shellnext time you prepare or bake eggs for breakfast. Once these are washed and dried, you can use them to create the wreath. Feathers are also very pretty as accents to imitate the look of an abandoned nest.

Alternatively, you can also collect fresh twigs with newly sprouted leaves to make your own wreath and then decorate it as you wish.

We also really like the idea above with moss to cover a wreath blank and the use of quail eggs, pussy willows and spring flowers including onions. A straw wreath provides a wonderful base for this.

Make an Easter wreath from natural materials – use fresh blossoms and flowers

If you like the look of fresh cut flowers, you can also consider them for wreaths. If you use a door wreath made of twigs that is not tied too tightly, small bouquets or individual flowers can be easily stuck between the twigs and replaced as soon as they have wilted. Feel free to let the children take part. When you go for a walk or play in a meadow, they can also pick flowers, which you can then use to make and design your own Easter wreath. A few Easter eggs or decorative quail eggs and you get a unique model that you can redesign over and over again.

Also read:Would you like to do crafts with natural materials from the forest?