Easter 2023: Quick & modern decoration ideas that you can do yourself now

Only a few days remain until Easter 2023 and the final preparations should be done. If you're still looking for one or two decoration ideas, you need something quick. But instead of spending a lot of money unnecessarily in the decoration shop, you can make something unique yourself using simple means. We provide the necessary inspiration! In our article we will show you beautiful decoration ideas that can be implemented quickly and easily.

Puristically beautiful for Easter with an Easter bouquet

A beautiful, simple vase is perfect for showcasing an Easter bouquet. She doesn't distract from him unnecessarily with her own decorations. And this means that even the simplest arrangement becomes the focus. Like in the example above. A few bare branches (or with buds or flowers and leaves) on which you can hang simple pendants. You can punch these out yourself either from paper or craft clay and then distribute them evenly. Simply wonderful, this idea for Easter 2023, isn't it?

Easter 2023: Quickly made flowers for the bouquet

If you are willing to invest a little more time in the decoration, you can also make a few fake flowers. For quick decoration ideas of this kind, you can use different materials, such as tissue paper and felt pompoms (for the colorful paper flowers in the picture on the right) or tufts of feathers and individual feathers. Either attach the materials to the branches with hot glue or tie them in place using wire. In the second variant withEaster branches as decorationYou can remove the elements again after Easter and store them more easily for next year.

Floor vase for an Easter bouquet with plain eggs

The Easter bouquet can decorate not only the table, but also any other area of ​​the room with the help of a modern floor vase. Obtain corkscrew willow branches (or any other long branches). You can then color these with spray paint and add accents with acrylic paints (e.g. splashes of gold). Then just hangdeflated eggsas simple as they are by nature.

Easter 2023: Small Easter baskets as table decorations for Easter

If you want to give your guests a little joy at Easter 2023, put an Easter basket with treats on each plate. They are relatively quick to make and you are welcome to make oneDecorate Easter bouquet, as long as you don't fill it with things that are too heavy. Instead of sweets, you can use decorative eggs and decorative grass or chicks and flowers, for example. This is how you can make the Easter decorations:

What you need:

  • Paper cups
  • ice styles
  • Hot glue, sharp scissors (e.g. secateurs) and regular craft scissors
  • Yarn
  • Things to fill

Cut off the top of a cup. Then cut the stems so that they are slightly longer than the height of the remaining cup. Of course, all stems should be approximately the same length. Then tape them all around the cup to cover completely. Then braid yarn to make a handle and glue the knots at each end inside the basket. It was really quick, wasn't it?

Make your own Easter decorations – dress up Easter eggs as bunnies

Whether it's a hard-boiled egg and served on every Easter guests' plate, or an artificial or blown one that you can reuse for the next celebration: this Easter bunny will attract everyone's attention at Easter 2023 either way, even though it's so simple to make . Splash the eggwith the help of a toothbrushwith black acrylic paint.

While the paint dries, make the black ears. You can use paper/cardboard, faux leather or felt, whichever would fit better with the rest of your decorations. Glue them to the egg.

To make the whiskers, three pieces of leather cord were simply knotted in the middle and the ends were then sharpened a little with scissors. But thin strips of paper that you roll up a little between your fingers are also suitable.

Decorate the Easter eggs with wire for Easter 2023

You can also make Easter eggs without long dyeing and designing with patternswith simple wiredesign. Again you get cute bunnies like in the example above. First, take the wire and wrap it around the top of the egg to estimate how long the piece should be. Depending on the thickness of the wire you choose, you can then add some length and thus strengthen the ring you are making. Then tie two pieces for the ears to the ring in a loop (outer ear and inner ear) and you're done and can put the "headdress" on the egg.

Beautiful Easter decoration ideas - Easter egg under a glass dome

If you have a glass bell on hand, you couldn't make a faster decoration for Easter 2023. Perfect for a last minute project, for example if you've noticed that the Easter table is still missing something. All you have to do is place an egg under the hood. Of course, you decide for yourself whether you design it beforehand or leave it in a simple egg color. Alternatively, you can also choose oneFlower or a floral arrangementor use other spring and Easter motifs.