We are usually familiar with a fine network of chocolate that crowns the dessert from gourmet restaurants. But you can easily make beautiful chocolate decorations yourself. Whether you're baking a cake, a cake or cupcakes, these chocolatey decorations will show off your baked goods to their best advantage. With these original ideas, your pastry creation will be an eye-catcher!
Instructions for chocolate cake decorations
Become your guests with these chic chocolate decorationsamaze! They look tricky but are surprisingly easy to make.
Filigree feathers
Melted chocolate
Baking paper or greaseproof paper
Cocktail sticks, toothpicks or similar
Flower formers or other similar small bowls
Disposable piping bag
1. Pour the melted chocolate into a disposable piping bag and make some squiggly shapes on a piece of baking paper.
2. Place a second sheet of baking paper over your chocolate molds and gently press down a little to squeeze the melted chocolate between the two pieces of paper. Using your thumb, smooth and shape the chocolate into thinner, feather-like shapes.
3. While the chocolate is still soft and liquid-like, carefully separate both pieces of paper. Now you should have two sets of chocolate shapes that you can then make into feathers.
Tipp:You don't want your chocolate to cool and solidify too quickly. So try not to place them on cold surfaces while you work. Use a cutting board or lined baking sheet so you can shape the chocolate at room temperature.
4. Now, while the chocolate is still liquid, take a toothpick and create a feathery texture along the edge of the chocolate molds.
5. Now draw a thin line of melted chocolate down the center of your feathers to form the shaft of the feather. The shaft should be a little longer than the feather vane.
6. To make the chocolate decorations look more realistic, carefully cut the baking paper into strips and place them in a bowl-shaped container. You can also use flower shapers for this.
7. Allow the chocolate feathers to set completely, do not refrigerate. Once dry, carefully peel the paper away from the chocolate feathers.
These chocolate feathers give cakes and cupcakes an instant chic upgrade. They also look lovely on luxurious chocolate mousse desserts. If you're feeling particularly creative, decorate your chocolate feathers with gold edible food coloring or edible glitter powder.
Roses made from modeling chocolate
Edible chocolate roses can be made with many different materials such as fondant or marzipan. Here we will show you how you can make chocolate fondant yourself. This simple, moldable chocolate paste is made from chocolate and glucose syrup.
Chocolate fondant recipe
450 grams of white chocolate
125 ml light glucose syrup
Optional: food coloring
This recipe can also be made with milk or dark chocolate. The procedure for milk chocolate is the same, but if you use dark chocolate, increase the amount of sugar syrup to 200 ml. Note that you cannot achieve the same color effects when using milk or dark chocolate.
1. Roughly chop the chocolate and place in a large microwave-safe bowl.
2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 45 seconds to avoid overheating the chocolate.
3. Remove the melted chocolate from the microwave and stir until smooth. Stir in the sugar syrup.
4. Place the chocolate on a large piece of cling film and wrap well. Allow the chocolate to cool and harden at room temperature for at least 6 hours or overnight.
About six roses with a circumference of 7 centimeters can be made from 250 grams of chocolate fondant. The quantity can be adjusted by the size of the roses.
Chocolate rosesdo it Yourself
1. Knead the modeling chocolate until it is smooth and supple. For white chocolate, the worktop is dusted with powdered sugar, for milk or dark chocolate with unsweetened cocoa powder.
Soften the hardened chocolate by kneading it with gloves or heating it in the microwave in short 10-second intervals until it is soft enough to work with. At this point you can divide it and knead different food colors into the chocolate if desired.
2. Roll out the modeling chocolate thinly, about 3 millimeters thick.
3. Use a small, round cookie cutter to cut out circles from the modeling clay. For a full size rose you will need 9 circles and for small rosebuds you will need about 4 or 5. The size of the circle cutter will determine the size of your finished rose. A 4cm cookie cutter will produce a rose approximately 8cm in diameter.
4. Take one of the cut out circles and roll it up. This will be the centerpiece of the rose. The opening at the top should be larger than the opening at the bottom.
5. Take another circle and thin out the edge with your fingers. This gives the rose a more delicate look. This step should be repeated with each petal.
6. Place the first petal around the already prepared center of the rose, carefully bending the upper edge of the petal slightly outwards.
7. Now you have a rosebud! If you want to stop here, bend the edge of the petal slightly inward so that it partially covers the center of the flower. If you want a flower in full bloom, continue adding more petals.
8. The trick to get a lifelike rose is to slide the second petal under the first as shown in the picture. Continue adding petals until the rose is the size you want.
Your chocolate roses are now ready! Allow the roses to dry at room temperature for 24 hours. Once fully solid, they can be stored in an airtight container.
Pine cones as a chocolate decoration for a cake
500 grams of chocolate pellets
400 ml (1 can) sweetened condensed milk
60 grams unsalted butter
¼ tsp salt
1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
100 grams of milk chocolate
300 grams of sliced almonds
1. Place chocolate pellets, condensed milk, butter, salt and almond extract in a large glass bowl. Heat in the microwave for a minute, then stir well. Heat the mixture in 20 second intervals until the desired consistency is reached.
2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for about 2 hours.
3. Use an ice cream ball maker to make small balls of dough and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. The larger your ice cream scoop, the fewer pinecones you will have.
4. Roll and shape each chocolate ball between your palms to form a cone shape.
5. Heat the milk chocolate in the microwave. Dip the bottom of a sliced almond into the melted chocolate and press it against the back of one of the pine cones. Add the remaining almonds in an overlapping pattern, working from back to front until the cone is completely covered with almonds. For the most realistic look possible, only use whole almond pieces and tilt them forward.
6. Once all the pine cones are decorated, place the baking tray in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
With the chocolate cones you can make cakes, cupcakes, tarts orandere Dessertsdecorate! They are just a little delicate as the tonsils break easily if handled roughly. Therefore, it is recommended to transfer them with a spatula or knife instead of taking them by hand.
Make your own chocolate numbers
Copy the first 100 digits of the number Pi into a new document using a word processing program. Choose a bold font (shown here: Adobe Gothic Sans Serif B, 36 point) and add a space between each number. The symbolpInsert and enlarge it to 340 points (shown here: Adobe Ming Std L). Print out this document and place a piece of baking paper on top.
Place 100 grams of chocolate pellets in a microwave-safe bowl and heat in the microwave for 20 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir. Repeat this process until the chocolate has melted. Place the melted chocolate in a plastic bag with a seal. Cut off a tiny part of the corner of the bag. Trace the outline of each number and the large pi number by squeezing chocolate from the makeshift piping bag. Refrigerate for at least two hours before using.
Tipp:If you want to be even more precise, you can use a decorative pen.
Take the chocolate numbers out of the fridge. Slowly scrape the pi symbol and numbers off the wax paper with the thin metal spatula. Do not touch the numbers with your hands. Because of body heat, it is possible for them to melt and deform.
Happiness pyramids
These chocolate pyramids are a great alternative to fortune cookies and are ideal as New Year's Eve lucky charms! Before you put the pyramids together, put a piece of paper with a nice saying inside. A leaf of mint provides a little kick of freshness.
The next instructions use the same technique: the chocolate decorations are drawn using a template or freely on baking paper. Once the chocolate is solid, you can remove it from the baking paper.
Get inspired by the ideas below! We hope you have fun decorating your desserts!