Of course, napkins belong on every banquet table. They must not only be chosen according to the style of the table decoration, but also folded beautifully. Today we will show you some simple instructions that will make folding napkins easy. Whether it's a fan, a rose or a cutlery bag - there are suitable ideas for every decoration. In just a few simple steps you can transform paper and fabric napkins into real works of art. Both types of napkins have their respective advantages and score points with beautiful designs and a variety of colors. Cloth napkins look elegant and are better suited for standing folding techniques. Paper napkins are usually significantly smaller and therefore cannot be used for all shapes. Take some time and just try out a few variations! With a little practice, all folding techniques can be done very quickly.
Simple folding techniques for beginners: Rose
The rose napkin technique not only looks great in white, but also in red! It is best to use a cloth napkin. This napkin rose would be the perfect decoration for a romantic table for Valentine's Day.
- Fold the napkin into a triangle. The tip points upwards.
- Roll carefully from the long edge.
- The triangle is rolled up about halfway.
- Turn the napkin over.
- Continue rolling the napkin from one end to the other.
- Now put the free end into the small pocket at the bottom.
- Grab the two tabs inside and pull them apart.
Cutlery bag
Practical and beautiful, a folded cutlery bag is a real classic in the world of napkin folding and fits any table setting. This variant has three folds for storing knives, forks and spoons.
- Fold the napkin in half to form a rectangle.
- Now fold it in half again into a square.
- Take the first layer of the napkin.
- And roll it up halfway diagonally.
- Do the same with the next two layers.
- Now turn the napkin over.
- Fold the sides long from left and right into the middle.
Another classic folding art is the fan. It basically works with both paper and cloth napkins, but cloth napkins are more suitable for the standing version.
- Take a square napkin.
- Fold the left and right sides about ⅓ towards the middle.
- Fold up about 2 cm from the bottom side.
- Now fold the napkin into 2 cm wide strips to form an accordion.
- Fold until about ¼ is left.
- Turn the napkin onto its back.
- Fold the napkin in the middle so that the pleats face outwards.
- Fold the upper right corners of the unfolded section diagonally.
Fold a cloth napkin into a candle
The candle-shaped napkin goes perfectly with a festive table decoration for baptisms, communions and confirmations. The motif is gender-neutral and delights boys and girls at the same time.
- Fold the napkin diagonally into a triangle.
- Fold in a 3 cm wide edge on the long side of the triangle.
- Turn the napkin over.
- Roll the triangle from right to left.
- Insert the end piece into the napkin roll.
- In the upper area, fold the front corner of the napkin down about 1-2 cm.
Cutlery bag made from paper napkin
A nice cutlery bag can also be usedfold from a paper napkin. Since these are much smaller, there is only space in the pockets for a fork and a knife. Still, the whole thing looks very sophisticated.
- Place the top right corner on top of the bottom left corner.
- Fold the next layer of the napkin on the diagonal with the tip in the middle.
- Tuck the just folded side under the first.
- Do the same with the third layer.
- Turn the napkin onto its back.
- Fold the left side about ¼ towards the middle.
- Fold the right side to the other end.
- Place the end piece in the folded bag.
Fold into a water lily
This folding technique is also known as lotus flower. The motif can be easily adapted to any occasion. In pink the flower looks particularly spring-like, in blue and red it also looks good on the Christmas table.
- Unfold the napkin on the table.
- Bring all four corners together in the middle.
- Turn the napkin over.
- Fold the corners towards the middle again.
- Now carefully pull the triangles up under the napkin. Right, left, up and down.
Fir tree for Christmas
A Christmas tree is a must for Christmas. The motif is available in many variations and will bemade from napkins folded. A cinnamon stick as a tree trunk is the icing on the cake.
- First, place the napkin in front of you so that the open tip is facing downwards.
- Take the first layer and fold it upwards. Leave a distance of approx. 1 cm from the tip.
- Repeat the same with the next layers.
- Turn the whole thing around.
- Fold the right tip over to the left. Then the left tip to the right side.
- Turn around again.
- Now fold all the tips up and push them under.
French lily
This falling technique requires a bit more skill. Since the French lily is a symbol of purity and innocence, it is often used as a table decoration for baptisms and communions.
- Fold the napkin diagonally into a triangle.
- The tip of the triangle should point upwards.
- Fold the right and left tips to the middle corner.
- Now fold the top corners down in the middle.
- The top corners are now on top of the bottom ones.
- The resulting triangle is folded like an accordion.
- Fold the bottom section over the center line of the napkin.
- Turn the napkin over.
- Fold the right and left ends together to form a roll.
- Stick the tips together.
Surprise your guests with a mysterious envelope! What's inside? A card with a nice saying to make you think or why not a small party bag?
- Fold the right tip towards the middle.
- Do the same with the left tip.
- Fold the bottom end of the napkin up to the beginning of the top triangle.
- This creates a rectangle.
- Fold up again.
- Just fold the triangle down.
Wind turbine
Wind turbines fascinate young and old and are perfect as a theme for a birthday party. Folding a napkin into a pinwheel is quick and easy.
- Fold the right and left corners towards the middle.
- Then fold the top and bottom corners towards the middle.
- Fold the left side over the center line.
- Repeat the same with the right side.
- Fold the bottom end up.
- Fold the top end down.
- Pull the tips outwards.
It is best to choose a black napkin for this folding technique. Once the jacket is folded, place a white paper menu or place card inside.
- Fold the bottom end up. This is how a triangle is created.
- Fold up about 2 cm from the bottom side.
- Turn the napkin over. The tip points downwards.
- Fold both tips of the long sides until just before the tip at the bottom.
- Leave about 3-4 cm free in the middle.
- Turn napkin over.
- Fold the right and left sides towards the middle.
- Fold the bottom end up.
Simple and effective, this heart-shaped napkin is folded with love!
- Fold the napkin diagonally into a triangle.
- Fold the tip down.
- Fold the right and left corners up. This creates two small triangles on the sides.
- Now fold the sides up again.
Lace cutlery bag
This pointed cutlery bag is perfect for a wedding table decoration. A nice place card with the guest's name can also be placed in the bag.
- Fold the napkin into a square.
- Fold the first layer down. Leave a distance of approx. 2 cm from the tip.
- Repeat the same with the next layers.
- Turn around.
- Fold the right and left sides symmetrically towards the middle.
- Pin the tips together.
Double compartment
This folding technique is called “leaf”, “angel wings” or “rabbit ears”. Whatever it is, the napkin looks very decorative.
- Fold the napkin into a triangle.
- Fold an accordion.
- Fold in the middle.
- Now fan out the napkin a little.
The pyramid stands stably on the plate and creates an elegant impression. The simplicity of the folding instructions makes it much easier to fold many napkins at once!
- Fold the napkin diagonally into a triangle.
- Fold the outer corners toward the top of the napkin. This is how a square is created.
- Now turn the napkin to the other side.
- Fold the bottom end evenly over the top.
- Now fold the napkin in half horizontally.