Make cutlery bags out of paper for Christmas: Cool & easy DIY ideas for table decorations

Cloth napkins are undoubtedly very elegantand ideal for special occasions. But don't think you can't create amazing arrangements with simple paper napkins! How about a paper cutlery bag for Christmas, for example? It can be folded in no time and even people who don't really like crafting can do this simple project. Simple craft paper is also ideal for such bags. To fold a paper cutlery bag, you can choose from a variety of instructions and models. We offer a good selection to imitate.

Paper cutlery bag for Christmas with a diagonal pattern

This paper cutlery bag is a popular option because it folds quickly and, above all, easily, but still looks very pretty. The three diagonal stripes that are created are particularly adorable. Remember to get napkins that look Christmassy or elegant in a color that matches the rest of yourTable decoration for Christmasfit. But how do you get these? You can find out in the following instructions:

Folding a paper cutlery bag – instructions:

Place the paper napkin as it is folded in front of you, with the open corner facing up to the right. Now take one layer and fold it towards the bottom left corner, leaving a small gap to it. Then take the next layer and fold it in the same direction, tucking it under the previous layer and leaving a gap to create a stripe. Repeat with another and final layer.

Arrange cutlery in paper napkin

Then turn the paper Christmas cutlery bag over, fold over the left side and then the right side and put the latter in the bottom diagonal pocket on the left side. Turn the folded napkin over and put the individual cutlery into the diagonal pockets provided. Since it is a neutral design, you can also make such paper cutlery bags yourself for other occasions. The bags look bothon the plateas well as looking pretty next to it.

Santa Claus cutlery bag folded from paper with template

Why not make a beautiful cutlery bag out of paper?the smallest in the familywill appreciate. You can make a Santa bag like this yourself, but you can also use the template to print out at the end of the instructions.

  • Craft cardboard in red, black and white
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil

Make a bag for cutlery out of paper

Print out the template and cut out the elements. Place element A on red paper, trace the outline and cut it out. Do the same with element B on black paper and with element C on white.

Fold the side wings of the red element inwards. This way you get a “coat”. Glue the black element, i.e. the belt, onto the red element. Element C, in turn, will be the buckle of the belt, which is why you need to glue it to the black element. Cut out two small circles from the remaining black paper to make the buttons for Santa's coat and stick them on top of the red craft cardboard. Your paper cutlery bag is now ready for Christmas!

By the way: If you use green craft cardboard instead of red, you will immediately receive cutlery bagsin the form of Christmas elves. You don't necessarily have to use construction paper either. You are welcome to fold this cutlery bag with a paper napkin.

Fold cutlery bag out of paper –VOrlage for printing.

Gloves for paper cutlery bag with template

Or how about these cute gloves that you can design in any color? Simply print out the template found in the link, cut out the gloves and trace the outlines onto paper of any color. Then glue the edges together, but leave the area at the top open so you can put the cutlery in there.

Template for the gloves.

Crafting with a bread bag

Also onesimple paper bread bagturns into a cutlery bag in no time and you don't even have to do anything. To make the paper cutlery bag suitable for Christmas, it is of course advisable to decorate and design it a little. You can use stamps and lettering, ribbons, buttons and whatever else you can think of for this purpose - ideally in Christmas colors or ones that match the rest of the table design.

You can also redesign a paper bag with the bottom folded down. Leave the bottom as it is and just glue the two sideswith washi tapeto. Leave an opening at the top into which you can then insert the cutlery. Use tape with Christmas patterns, motifs or colors. That's all you need for a paper cutlery bag for Christmas!