Fashion over 60: What women over 60 should no longer wear to look younger and stylish!

Sporty fashion for older women: fleece jacket – mistake number 7

Fleece jackets are a good choice when you're going for a walk or at the park with your dog. But a warm, thick cardigan would be a better choice. You can choose a cardigan that falls around your hips or even longer. However, if you insist on wearing a fleece jacket, consider investing in a quality jacket that has more structure and looks more attractive. Cheap and baggy fleece jackets look bulky.

Chic fashion from 60 – what you can still wear without any problems

  • Leggings

Not only are leggings the most comfortable piece of clothing ever, they are also affordable, versatile and part of every woman's wardrobe staple. You can wear them as a warming garment in winterwear under a dress or tunicto get a little more coverage, or wear them on their own for a sporty, casual look.

  • Manager

If leather bags and shoes are acceptable at any age, why not a leather skirt? Or leather pants? They always add a bit of pizzazz to your look, and there are so many colors to choose from. These days, it's easy to find leather (or leather-look) garments that are not only stylish, but also affordable and comfortable.

  • Jeans

Don't be afraid to wear jeans. Well-cut jeans with straight or wide legsolder women look particularly good. The stretch jeans are also an excellent choice for slim women over 60.