Make New Year's Eve decorations

Christmas is almost here and then New Year's Eve is just around the corner! We can't be more excited! While the entire holiday season is wonderful, there is something special about New Year's Eve. Everything revolves around topics such as new beginnings, wishes, new plans and hopes. It's also a nice opportunity to celebrate with friends as you look back on the past year together. Homemade New Year's Eve decorations can make this party night even more special! Check out our ideas and get inspired for various craft ideas such as photo booths, garlands and much more.

Make New Year's Eve decorations: Glittering Cheers lettering

When it comes to parties (especially Christmas or New Year's Eve), the decorations are usually sparkly and glamorous. Golden sequins are the perfect material if you want to make a glittering and chic silver star decoration.

Materials and tools required:

  • elastic sequin ribbon in gold (approximately one meter is needed for each 23 cm letter)
  • cardboard
  • Cuttermesser
  • Hot glue gun
  • Gold cord

“CHEERS”, “JOY”, “PROST” – you can of course adapt the lettering to the theme of your party. For example, “MR & MRS” is ideal for a wedding. “IT'S A GIRL” would be perfect for a baby shower.

First, you should print out each letter in your sentence individually on an A4 sheet of paper so that you can use it as a template to cut out. Select a simple bold font (here in the pictures it is “Function Pro Bold”). Glue each letter onto a piece of cardboard and cut it out with the craft knife.

Using the hot glue gun, glue the sequin ribbon to the cardboard letters. Then place all the letters of your phrase (backwards of course!) on the table and tape the string to the back of the letters. Once the glue has hardened, you can hang your garland!

3D straw stars

These straw stars resemble small fireworks of silver and gold and would put you in a good party mood as you count down the hours, minutes and seconds until the New Year! They also look great as Christmas tree decorations!

Materials required:

  • Gold and silver spray
  • Straws
  • Cable ties
  • Scissors
  • Gold cord
  • Hot glue gun

Step 1: Bundle about 20-25Strawstogether.
Step 2: Place a cable tie around the middle of the bundle and pull tight - the tighter the better.
Step 3: Paint the bundles in a well-ventilated area. Repeat the process until all straws are well coated.
Step 4: Apply hot glue to the tip of a straw. Wrap the string around the blob of glue several times and hold until the glue dries. Repeat with other stars until you are happy with the result. A distance of 25 cm would make sense.

Spice up ice cubes in the champagne bucket

Of course, sparkling wines such as sparkling wine and Prosecco should not be missing at a New Year's Eve party. Since they are drunk a little cooler than white wines, they should usually be kept cold in a champagne bucket. To add some glamor to this simple container, you can try this idea: add gold confetti or other small objectsfrozen in ice cubesand then poured into an acrylic champagne cooler. However, not only ice but also some water goes into the bucket.

Make your own photo booth for New Year's Eve party

These giant sequins would look so glamorous in your living room, wouldn't you say? The sequin wall makes a great backdrop for fun party pictures. It's pretty hard to be in a bad mood when there's so much sparkle and glow.

Approximately 600 large sequins (60mm in diameter) were used for this photobooth. You can buy these ready-made or make them yourself. You just need to figure out the square footage you want to cover on the wall and do the math to make sure you order enough sequins. This project is actually pretty simple, but of course it's quicker and better with helpers. It takes about two hours with two people designing the photo corner.

Materials required:
600 sequins - 60mm in diameter
6 pieces of large and thin lightweight panels 70 x 100 cm, 3 mm thick
2 rolls of inexpensive gold wrapping paper to cover the lightweight sheet.
Good paper tape (that just comes off the walls)
600+ sequin needles (these are just very short, straight needles)
A long piece of cardboard to have a guide line

Step 1. First attach the lightweight panels to the wall. Work from the floor up the wall so the tape doesn't have to support the weight of the panels. It will just hold them in place. The paper tape will protect your walls when you need to remove it.

Step 2. Stick the wrapping paper over the lightweight panels. Don't worry too much about the places where the pieces meet. These won't be noticeable at all once you've hung your sequins.

Step 3. Now comes the first row of sequins. Work from bottom to top. Depending on where yourPhoto backgroundshould end, make your first row of paper circles. Determine how the needles should be placed next to each other. You can start somewhere in the middle and experiment a little with the sequins. Measure from the floor on each side, then hold up a ruler while someone puts the pins in a straight line every 6 centimeters.

Step 4. For the second row, experiment with spacing and decide how far apart the rows should be. The sequins from the second row nestle between the sequins in the first row. Again, measure from the floor on each side and then hold the ruler between the two points while someone inserts the second row of needles.

Step 5. You just need to measure the dimensions of the first two rows well, and make a guide from there so that the process can go much faster. Get a piece of poster board and cut the exact distance between the first row and second row of sequin pins. Using the ruler and pencil, mark points on one side at a distance of 6 cm. Then make the marks on the other side to align with the needles you already have.

Step 6. Once you have your guide, you can simply place it over the second row of needles and you will know exactly where to put your needles. Try to pin the pins parallel to the floor and not upwards so that the sequins don't dangle when someone walks by.

Step 7. Hang a sequin on each sequin pin. Et voila! The photo backdrop is ready!

Also read:Make a table decoration for New Year's Eve - 3 ideas with instructions

Giant bows as wall decoration

Another way to festively decorate your walls for the New Year's Eve party is with these shiny gift bows. If you don't know where to find such stars in different sizes, then make them yourself! You need a few rolls of shiny metallic tape (also called poly tape) and some patience. This video shows how to make bow stars. The larger the template, the larger your star will be. Have fun imitating and happy new year!