Make a table decoration for New Year's Eve

As soon as one wonderful celebration is over, the next one comes: New Year's Eve is just around the corner. Time to think about this too, especially if you're going to be hosting a New Year's Eve party. The table should be given special attention. How could you make a table decoration for New Year's Eve?

Photo: Igisheva Maria/Shutterstock

Party favors, centerpieces, candlesticks and more: simple little things make the party table just perfect! It doesn't always have to be the classic streamers when setting and decorating the New Year's table.

Black and gold star as a candlestick


A wide variety of shapes and figures can be made with craft concrete if you have a suitable mold available. And you can make this yourself out of cardboard. How about you do one of these this way?Make a star?

  • white craft concrete
  • cardboard
  • black acrylic paint and brush
  • Stabker
  • Gold leaf (alternatively, you can also paint accents with gold paint)
  • Candlestick or tube of a suitable size for the stick candle (should be closed on one side)

Make your own New Year's Eve decorations

  • First, make the shape by cutting out a star of the desired size and a border from cardboard and gluing it together with hot glue or tape. Don't make the star too small so that it can hold the weight of the candle later.
  • Cut a hole large enough for the candle in the desired location and insert the holder or a tube into it. It should extend into the mold so that it can form a hole in the concrete. For this reason, this side should also be closed, otherwise the liquid concrete will simply run in.
  • Prepare the craft concrete according to the package instructions and pour it into the mold (preferably on a surface).
  • Let it set and take the finished star out of the mold.
  • Paint the candlestick black (or any other color).
  • Then design it with gold leaf orgolden colorand insert the candle into the designated spot.
  • The decoration looks particularly pretty if you put two stars like this together.

A New Year's table decoration couldn't be easier to make. If you have a punch, you can conjure up such decorative stars in no time.

Get cardboard in nice colors. Punch stars out of this cardstock and fold them in half. Glue three such folded stars together at the fold and you can set up the 3D star.

Alternatively, you can simply make a 3D model from two stars by cutting one of them from the top to the middle and the other from the bottom and then inserting them into each other. You can see both variants in the photo.

Simply distribute the finished stars on the free spaces on the table.

Craft ideas for New Year with things from the corner store


A few items from the dollar store and you can make some really cool New Year's table decorations yourself. The Christmas balls are also mostly used at this festival and that is also the case with this idea, as you can see. This is what you need for the unusual New Year's Eve idea:

  • Champagne or cocktail glasses (one larger and one smaller)
  • Napkin glue
  • Glitter
  • Hot glue
  • Christmas balls in the desired colors (a large one that will be barely visible and small ones)

It's so easy to make a table decoration for New Year's Eve

  • Place the larger glass upside down on a surface.
  • Coat the outside with the napkin glue (anywhere you want glitter).
  • Sprinkle glitter over the glue. Work quickly or in sections as the glue dries quite quickly and no glitter would stick.
  • Once the glue has dried, gently shake and tap off the excess glitter.
  • Turn the glass over and hot glue the large ball inside. Their purpose is to fill the jar well right from the start to use fewer mini balls and save time.
  • Now attach small Christmas tree baubles around it and finally the smaller glass that you also used beforedesign with glittercan.
  • You can make this arrangement extend beyond the edge of the glass and up into height. Just make sure that the glass doesn't suddenly become too heavy and tip over. The aim is to give the impression that you are pouring the balls from the small glass into the large glass.
  • You can place the glass in the middle of the table or, if you have a longer table, make several of these decorations and distribute them around.

You can learn how to fold napkins for New Year's Eve table decorationsfind out here.