A mobile is no longer the only thinga highlight in the baby's room: Children also look forward to the pretty decoration. You can find numerous beautiful models in stores, but it's a lot of fun if you make it yourself. By the way, crafting is also a good idea for keeping children busy when it rains or is bad. We'll show you several ideas on how you can make a summer mobile.
Make a summer mobile: butterflies out of paper
The first mobileensures a good mood even on rainy days. You can also hang the colorful butterflies outside on warm summer days. At home they also look good as window decorations. For this craft idea you need the following materials:
Necessary materials:
- a wooden ring
- Ragged braids in different colors
- white craft cardboard
- a template for the butterflies
- Watercolors
- Rhinestones, self-adhesive
- a ruler, glue, scotch tape, scissors