Decorate vases and bring change to your home

Vases are wonderful for decorating your home in a stylish and varied way - in each of the four seasons and especially at Christmas time. Here you will find some inspiration and find out interesting facts about vases.

The wide variety of vases

People have been using vases for thousands of years. In ancient times they were of course more than just a decorative item. Although they were already used back then to make one's own home more attractive, the priority was...Vasebut to serve a very practical purpose. They were the ultimate storage container, comparable to our current storage containers.

What types of vases are there?

Since thenGreco-Roman amphorasVery different types of vases have developed over the course of history. This diversity is still reflected in its different forms today. The central distinguishing feature is, of course, less the shape and size of a vase, but rather the material from which it is made. The best known and most widespread are certainly glass and porcelain vases or those made of ceramic. They are typically commonly used as flower vases. Vases made of wood or metal are a little less common in households. They are then mostly purely decorative elements that are intended to set visual accents in the apartment. Another special feature are Chinese vases or even historical or antique vases, which are sought after as collector's items. Art Nouveau vases are also very popular among collectors. These artfully decorated decorative items can not only be found in antique shops, but online shops also offer an extensive selectionArt Nouveau vases. The vessels, designed in the style of the 19th and 20th centuries, are a wonderful addition to any room.

What can they be filled with?

A vase cannot only be filled with water and flowers. Depending on the design, you can also enhance them with a whole range of other things and give them an additional appeal. Above allbeautiful glass vases, which are transparent, can be filled in a variety of ways and depending on the seasons.

How can you decorate a vase for Christmas?

With a glass vase you can easily create an atmospheric and...create festive Christmas decorations. To do this, simply fill the vase with Christmas balls in different sizes and colors, for example. AlsoStrohsterneIn combination with cotton wool as a snow substitute are wonderful. Or you can fill them with nuts, especially walnuts, dried orange slices and Christmas spices such as star anise or a cinnamon stick. Vases that are not transparent are ideal for holding fir branches, which can then be decorated in a similar way to a Christmas tree. Ultimately, depending on the size, you can also use a vase like this to house a poinsettia - meaning the plant - and hide the usually not very attractive pot.

How and where is the best place to place the vase?

Unfortunately there is no clear answer to this. Choosing the right place naturally depends on the size of the vase and, of course, on the condition and furnishings of your home. As a rule of thumb, however, you should always place a vase where the risk of it being accidentally knocked over is lowest. Decorative vases should of course also be clearly visible and, if possible, in the light.

Where can you find the vases that are right for you?

Both stationary retailers and online retailers offer a wide selection of vases. Household goods stores, specialist decorative shops and furniture stores in particular are perfect for successful vase shopping. In short: wherever you can buy home accessories, you are guaranteed to find them locally and online and with a little patience you will also find your dream vase.

Image sources: CC0 Public Domain