Birds perceive their surroundings and the world fundamentally differently than humans. Many man-made objects block their path. Especially in the city, but not only there, there are various obstacles for flying creatures: cables, wires, wind turbines, ropes and fences. Some of them can also be recognized immediately in flight. On the other hand, transparent and reflective glass panes are invisible to birds and it is not uncommon for them to collide with them. This usually leads to serious injuries or immediate death due to a broken neck. Bird silhouette or other pattern on the window pane works as a simple measure that makes the glass panes bird-proof and anyone can implement it.
The glass panes and the birds
Although people have always used glass for their windows, in recent years modern architecture has allowed construction to be made almost entirely of glass. The so-called glass architecture and the large-format windows look extremely attractive for architects, builders and homeowners and represent a special highlight. However, their transparency and reflections can endanger wild birds because they hardly notice the glass surface and therefore do not recognize it as an obstacle . Current studies show that the most common cause of death among birds in Europe is bird strikes on glass surfaces.
Glass alone is not only invisible, it also reflects. Transparent, clean windows can even be a hindrance to people. For example, in many winter gardens and balconies or in modern commercial buildings, we know the problem when the frameless glass doors are not recognized in time and you suddenly kick them. After their habitat has been destroyed and while still confused by road traffic, many flying birds often fall into this trap. In addition, under certain lighting conditions, windows reflect the surroundings in front of them, such as trees, bushes and the sky. Birds do not recognize the reflection as such and fly directly towards the bright light.
There are various ways to make the glass panes bird-proof
- Dirty windows – Probably the easiest way to reduce bird strikes on glass surfaces is to rarely clean them. The dust on the windows reduces the reflections and makes them appear more than actual surfaces. This means that birds can also see them as obstacles.
- Privacy and sun protection – Awnings, parasols and all decorative elements that shade the reflective surface reduce the risk of bird strikes.
- Curtains, drapes and blinds etc. – They do not prevent reflections, but they make the glass panes appear less transparent and can reduce the problems a bit.
- Fly screens – Screens attached from the outside provide effective protection against bird strikes.
- Under no circumstances should bird feeders, suet balls, feeding stations and the like that attract birds be attached directly to the glass panes. Unknowingly, it can end up endangering the creatures you actually want to help.
- Window decoration of all kinds, but on the outside of the window - decorative materials such as adhesive films, adhesive strips, stained glass and children's paints can be used creatively by children and the birds can be used to good effect.
Individually attached bird of prey silhouettes in the form of window decorations or stickers are a simple and very common measure against bird strikes. However, just a sticker on the window is largely ineffective. A bird silhouette is often recognized as not an enemy in itself, but as a mere obstacle to flight, since it is not actually moving. The birds will simply fly into the window just next to the isolated subject. If you want to make the glass bird-proof, a bird silhouette itself is of no use. You have to pattern the window. In order for this measure to be truly effective, the distance between the individual motifs should not exceed ten centimeters, regardless of their design and shape.
Silhouettes that are stuck to the window pane from the inside usually have a bad effect from the outside. Due to the reflections, the stickers are not even noticeable from the outside. If these are stuck on the outside of the window, they are much more visible.
The fact that birds (but not all bird species) can see in the UV range is often used. There are special tools available on the market, such as special glass, that reflect short-wave solar rays and thereby make the glass surface very easy to see for birds. Spraying with a water-insoluble sunscreen with a high sun protection factor should actually be enough. You can use a silhouette as a stencil and create a pattern on the glass that is invisible to people. However, the effectiveness of this method is controversial because not all birds can perceive the ultraviolet range.
DIY idea – short instructions
Most of the time the glass panes have to be secured later. Patterned adhesive films, which you can also design yourself, are perfect for this. The pattern or motif can be freely chosen. But it makes sense to choose a bird silhouette and thus incorporate the goal of the window decoration. We will soon show you how you can create a beautiful motif yourself.
You can use a template and print it out in any size. Optionally, you can multiply the same motif, but just in different sizes. If you want, you can paint a bird yourself. It is important to represent it as simplified as possible so that a clean and clearly recognizable bird silhouette ultimately results.
Now use scissors to cut out the selected motifs, which will later serve as templates. The cut out bird silhouettes are transferred to thick paper or, best of all, to self-adhesive film if these are subsequently attached to the outside of the window panes. It certainly looks beautiful when the small and large bird silhouettes are combined with each other as desired. The result is a beautiful composition and finally - a window picture that not only creates a good atmosphere, but also makes the glass pane bird-proof.
If you have made several birds, it will definitely be creative to stretch a rope onto the window glass and stick them on. Washi tape or colored adhesive tape is often used for this. If you choose different colored adhesive film for the bird silhouettes, you will create a cute, timeless window decoration that is also super quick to make and is also ideal as a creative DIY project for older children.
With the right oneWindow decorationyou can save birds
The familiar black bird of prey silhouettes have practically no effect. But you can protect the animals with very simple means. A colored decoration that you have made yourself and applied to the outside of the window usually works very well, so that the birds recognize the glass and avoid it.