Make window decorations – 55 ideas for every season

Even before you enter the house through the front door, you get a pleasant, cozy feeling of having arrived at home. It's nice when you feel safe in your own home. This is particularly easy to achieve with personalized decorations. You can make cute window decorations and feel the cozy atmosphere of your own four walls even from outside. Be inspired by our 55 fairytale ideas for every season and for young and old and you will also find three instructions on how you can decorate the window panes creatively and individually.

Be creative and firstly choose colors that fit the overall look of the room. The most important thing is to choose an accurate color concept and stick to it. The decoration looks particularly visually appealing when the same colors are used in the upholstery,the color design of the wall, home textiles or accessories can be found. Gather the materials and get started.

Necessary materials:

– Embroidery frame – size and number depending on your wishes and window size

– Fabric scraps – they should be slightly larger than the embroidery frames

- Scissors

– Thread for hanging

– Hooks for attaching to the window frame

First you should cut the fabric slightly larger than the embroidery hoop. Then place the remaining fabric on the inner frame and slip it over the outer frame. Stretch the fabric as much as possible to get a good result. This works best if you pull from behind at the appropriate points when tightening.

You can fasten the fabric that is left at the back with a needle and thread. Repeat for all embroidery hoops. Use fabrics with different patterns and colors. Finally, tie a piece of thread to each embroidery hoop and leave the decoration hanging on the window.

*a project byDesigner Trapped

Even small children can help with this sweet garland for the window or front door. Find colorful pages in magazines and cut out several butterflies using a stencil. Glue them to a thread with simple tape and hang the finished garlands in the desired place.

You don't necessarily have to use music paper for this great DIY idea. You can also use stronger newspaper. First create a butterfly template and cut it out. To do this you needed scissors and a utility knife to perforate the wings. Just make sure that the middle of the butterfly remains intact, because this is exactly where all the butterflies will be attached to the garland later. For best results, sew the elements together using a sewing machine if one is available, or tape the string in place.

* a DIY project byStyle & Influence

Now it's the little ones' turn. For this special decoration, the children need colors that they can make themselves and with them they can paint something beautiful on the window panes.

Materials needed for the colors:

– 1 cup flour

– 200 ml water

– 1 cup dishwashing detergent without sodium lauryl sulfate; This way the homemade colors don't get too foamy

– Food coloring

First mix all the ingredients well except the colors until all lumps disappear. Then divide the liquid into small containers for the different colors. Drip some food coloring into each container if desired and mix everything together well. Now let's start daubing, spraying or painting! Don't worry, because thanks to the dishwashing detergent in the colors, everything can be easily removed from the windows later, even after they have completely dried out. And even the little artists can do this themselves afterwards.

* a fun idea fromThe Imagination Tree

While still in kindergarten, the children begin to make various things that then find their place in the home decoration. If you are looking for a great idea for crafts in kindergarten, then you can try to create a pretty decoration for the windows together with the little ones. Any stencils can be used and decorated in different ways depending on the age of the children. With the finished window decoration you can either decorate the window panes in the kindergarten or prepare a gift for the parents.

You can make a particularly personal and really cute decoration for the window panes using the children's handprints. To do this, you should first draw them on colorful paper and then cut them out. Then prepare different decorative elements that the little ones stick onto the handprints with glue.

As a rule, you can stick almost anything to the window pane and decorate it as a decoration, as long as it doesn't weigh too much. Flowers are best suited for a pretty spring and summer decoration. However, to keep them fresh longer, it is recommended to use artificial flowers instead of real ones. You can then simply attach these with some atmospheric washi tape and the decoration is finished.

The craft ideas for window decorations are simply endless and are suitable for every season and every occasion. One of the easiest ways to create a pretty window decoration is with a garland. It is also very practical and cannot damage the window pane. Adhesive tape, for example, can leave marks on the window pane that are then difficult to remove. Since the garlands have no contact with the window glass, they are considered the clean option for window design.

For a great effect, you can make the garland not with simple thread, but with rope and clothespins. In this way, you save time for gluing and drying the glue and can change the decoration as you wish at any time.

When you make a decoration, you don't necessarily want it to be attached or hung on the window. Rather, you can decorate the inside of the window sill for any occasion. Lush flower boxes, beautifully arranged flower vases and pretty candle holders are particularly suitable for this.

If you are thinking about home decoration, you can not only decorate the windows, but also decorate with windows. With old window frames or entire windows you can conjure up a beautiful vintage decoration that immediately becomes an eye-catcher in the interior. If the windows used are large, you can also spice up the window panes. You can try one of the ideas already shown.

Old windows can also be converted into original picture frames. Small windows that can be attached to the mantel or wall are particularly suitable for this. To do this, measure the window frame precisely and have the selected picture or photo printed out in the same dimensions.

To decorate with windows, you can either use the entire window or just the window frames. You can find many great examples and suggestions in our picture gallery.

Make vintage window decorations