What can you do with old cups? 15 DIY ideas

Regardless of whether you inherited them, bought them or received them as a gift: don't sort out the old cups! We'll show you 20 ideas on how to do itcan upcycle.

What can you do with old cups? 20 simple ideas for the home and garden

IfVintage Decofor the house or garden, with natural materials or other decoration of your choice: a floating cup looks great. Below we will explain to you how to make a beautiful floating cup and decorate it with moss and other natural materials. You will need a tea cup and saucer, natural materials (moss, small flowers, cones), floral wire, a hot glue gun, scissors and a fork that can be bent. First, bend the fork into an “S” shape. Now glue the handle of the fork into the cup and then attach the lower part of the fork to the plate. Now all that's left is to wrap the moss and flowers around the fork and secure it with floral wire.

Make your own vase from tea cups and old candle holders

Do you have old tea cups and a vintage candle holder? You can use this to make three mini vases for flowers from your own garden. This way, different flowers can be effectively showcased.

What can you do with old teacups? Make a candle holder

Transform the old tea cups into beautiful candle holders. For each candle you will need a wooden skewer, candle wick, an old pot, a tin can, candle wax, pink beeswax crayons if desired, scented oils, a saucer for the pot, cling film, oven mitts, scissors and a spoon.

Proceed as follows: First, line the work surface with the cling film. Then cut the wooden skewer and tie the wick onto it. Place the wick in the center of the cup. Then fill the pot with water and heat it up. Fill the candle wax and a wax crayon into the empty, clean container and then let it melt in a water bath. In between, stir the wax with a wooden skewer. Wait about 20 minutes until the wax has completely melted. Then carefully pour the wax into the cup. Wait for the wax to cool, carefully remove the wooden skewer and shorten the wick to half a centimeter.

Make your own bird feeder out of old cups

We have already explained to you in a previous article how you can make a bird feeder yourself from porcelain dishes. All you need is a tea cup and coaster, a stick and a hot glue gun. Glue the cup to the coaster and the coaster to the wooden stick. Complete!

Make garden decorations out of porcelain dishes

Next we present you a decoration à la Alice in Wonderland. Attach a tea cup to a garden stake. You can use a copper pipe for the teapot. Drill a hole in the teapot and place it on the rod.

Tea cup decoration for the front door

You can also make beautiful, small-format seasonal decorations in teacups. Especially in spring, you can embellish the teacup with a bird's nest, a bird figure and real or artificial flowers.

Make your own wall decorations from old porcelain cups

Do you only have a tea cup and coaster left from your old dishes? Then you can turn them into a wall decoration. Together with a tree disc and a modern picture frame, it forms an attractive eclectic ensemble.

Design your own fairy garden in a teacup

There's a lot you can do with a teacup. For example, create a fairy garden. Create a mini garden with moss, gravel and small decorative pieces of your choice (mushroom, animal or angel figures).

Make flower pots out of old cups

By the way, you can also sow and grow seeds in old cups. The young plants are then allowed outside in the spring after Ice Saints. Don't repot them straight away, but rather hang the cups in a warm place protected from wind and rain so that they get used to the outside world.

Create herb garden in teacups

Start an herb garden in the kitchen. Plant one type of herb in each cup and then group them together. This means you always have fresh spices within reach when cooking.

Wall clock made from old tea cups

The next wall decoration brings a vintage touch into your own four walls. A wall clock decorated with various tea cups. The clock hands and Roman numerals effectively complete the design, which is also inspired by the book “Alice in Wonderland”.

Decoration in shabby chic style made from old cup and saucer

Matching the interior in the shabby chic style: a “planted” porcelain cup and saucer. To implement this craft idea you still need moss, a wooden skewer and a foam ball.

What to do with old coffee cups: make a pendant lamp

A pendant lamp made from an old teapot and teacups brings a vintage touch to the winter garden or living room. The pendant light has a very decorative effect and gives the room a distinctive character.

A table lamp can also be easily decorated with tea cups. For this purpose, you should make large holes in the bottom of the cups, which is not very easy. Above all, patience is required so that the porcelain does not break during drilling.

Make a lampshade out of old cups

If you find drilling difficult, you can hang the teacups on the lampshade instead. Decorate it additionally with lace to emphasize the vintage character.

Make Christmas decorations from old tea cups and saucers

Finally, we will explain to you how you can make a beautiful Christmas decoration using an espresso cup and epoxy resin. Color clear casting resin with Alcohol Inc. or a specialty color for resin. Then fill the casting resin into the cup and wait two or three days for it to harden. Then use the hot glue to glue the saucer to the cup and decorate the Christmas tree with it.