Christmas time is without a doubt a beautiful time. A cozy and warm atmosphere is created, which is achieved primarily through the right decorations. Candles, fir branches, Santa Clauses and fabrics in Christmas colors decorate our apartment and the nativity scenes and Christmas pyramids on the window sills are also pleasing to the eye from outside. But the windows can also be decorated in other ways –Chalk markers are a hitat all and can be used for a wide variety of images and lettering. If you haven't seen any window pictures of this type before, you'll fall in love with them today at the latest! We'll show you how you can paint windows with chalk pens and give you some great templates to print out.
Design windows with chalk pens – make creative window pictures yourself
If you have the talent and desire, you can come up with your own pictures and thus create a real onecreate beautiful decoration, which will impress everyone. And although you are used to seeing window pictures in white, you can of course also use bright colors. How about, for example, a Christmas wreath in beautiful pastel shades that adorns the window pane? When you design windows with chalk pens, you can get really creative and try out anything you want. And the best part? If something goes wrong and you're not happy, you can simply wipe the image away and start again.
But what if you just don't have the talent for drawing? Well, then you still don't have to miss out on these effective Christmas decorations! Because with a few chalk marker templates for Christmas, nothing stands in your way and you can do all yourDecorate windows. Whether it's pictures or lettering that will put everyone in the perfect Christmas mood - we have a great selection of ideas that you can use if you want to decorate windows with chalk pens.
Create window pictures with chalk markers – this is how it works!
If you want to draw freehand, you can basically start right away and paint windows with chalk pens. You should just clean the window pane well beforehand to remove dirt and grease. This is the only way the paint can adhere well and the image lasts longer. If you use a template, you can print it out and then attach it to theOutside of the window(the picture or the lettering faces inwards)stick it with adhesive tape. You can then trace it from inside. Once you're done, remove the template again and you're done!
Free printable Christmas chalk marker templates
And so that you are provided with a few ideas and can get started right away, we have put together a few nice templates that you can use to design the windows with chalk markers for Christmas.There are also mandalas, which you can first transfer to the window and then color the template. Feel free to use several motifs and combine them with each other to create an entire landscape when decorating windows with chalk pens.
Doesn't matter if you're whiteUse chalk pensor colored, what is certain is that the pictures on the windows will make a great impression. So don't be surprised if you discover similar window pictures on your neighbors' windows a few days later.
By the way:If you want to use lettering, you should consider which side of the house it should be readable from. If you want to greet people outside with this, you should first mirror it with a computer program (or freehand) and only then write it on the window. If you want to mirror a template, you canin this articlefind out how this works.
Three stars
Abstract fir trees
Paint a landscape on the window with fir trees
Merry Christmas as a lettering
Painting candles
“Happy Holidays” with snowflakes
Christmas tree and gifts
Star shaped Christmas wreath
Colored snowflake
Draw colorful snowflakes on the window
Window pictures for Christmas with hanging Christmas decorations as a motif
The snow falls quietly
Simple mandala to trace - decorate windows with chalk pens
Christmas tree made of words
Gingerbread house for window design
Painting pictures on the windows at Christmas
Bird as a window picture in winter
Snow-covered fir tree
Car with Christmas tree
Paint windows with chalk pencils - gingerbread house for a window picture in the children's room
Zentangle Santa boots for drawing
Mistletoe with a bow
Lettering “Merry Christmas”
Let it Snow
Colorful snowflake made of geometric shapes
Beautiful Christmas tree for windows and for coloring
Poinsettia as a window decoration
Nice mistletoe for beginners
Christmas bells with mistletoe
Wreath made of mistletoe
Print out snowflakes and paint them on the window
Decorate windows with mandala and chalk pens
Annuitant Silhouette
Snowflake with a floral look
Snowflake for boho Christmas decorations
Garland with stars
Painting candles
Cover the entire window with snowflakes
Romantic window design with snowflakes
Color with white or colored chalk markers
Mandala with Christmas tree
Little house to paint on the window
Red poinsettia
Merry Christmas
Idea how you can design windows with chalk markers
Simple fir trees