Window pictures for Christmas are a nice idea not only to create a Christmas atmosphere in the house or apartment, but also to make your home look cozy and Christmassy from the outside. That's why we would like to recommend that you make your own this year instead of the ones you bought. You have various options for this, which we would like to introduce to you today.
Both paper and the popular window colors are great if you want to make window pictures for Christmas. With a few simple templates arebeautiful pictures for the windowsmade quick and easy. Check out the following ideas and choose your favorite one to decorate your windows.
The classic self-painted window pictures made from window paints are a great idea if you are looking for colorful ideas. There are numerous colors available, so you are spoiled for choice. Would you likeWindow decorations for ChristmasFor handicrafts in kindergarten, such window pictures are ideal. You need:
- Window colors
- Plastic wrap or sealable freezer bags
- Templates of any motif (you can find a few ideas at the end of the article)
Insert the selected motif into the foil. You can also secure it with paper clips to prevent it from slipping. And then you can start painting. Simply paint the motif on the film in the desired colors. Make sure that at the end all the colors and elements touch each other so that a single piece is created. Once the colors have dried, you can simply peel the picture off the film and stick it on the window.Do crafts in daycareand then decorate the windows.
Christmas motifs with hot glue
As an alternative to window paint, you can also use a simple hot glue gun with hot glue, although this is more recommended for older children. Did you know that hot glue comes in a variety of colors? This means you can find exactly the right one for your Christmas motifs. Of course, you can also use the clear glue and then decorate it with glitter while the glue is still wet.
Otherwise, make the window pictures for Christmas in exactly the same way as those made from window paints: place a template under a piece of baking paper (the glue might be too hot for cling film) and transfer the motif with the hot glue. Since the gun releases larger amounts than, for example, the bottles of window paint, it is not possible to create such fine lines with the hot glue. Keep this in mind when choosing your motif. Snowflakes are particularly suitable.
Cute kids templates
Printable snowman
Candy canes as a template for window pictures
Christmas balls
Snowflake withHot gluegrind
Small snowflakes with different shapes
Make window pictures with children
With parchment paperYou can make wonderful pictures because, on the one hand, it is easy to process and, on the other hand, its semi-transparent properties make it look particularly pretty on the window. The Christmas baubles in the example are just one of the many motif options you have if you are looking for and want to make Christmas window decorations for children. You need:
- Parchment paper in white and bright colors
- Glue (glue stick for smaller children)
- tape
- optional ribbon for hanging
For these Christmas window pictures you can use templates or draw them freehand. Draw a circle on the white parchment paper (e.g. with a compass). Cut colored paper into shreds of any size. Then glue these snippets onto the circle. Feel free to overlap the edge of the circle. Finally, simply cut out the circles and your first window picture is ready. You can stick it as it is to the window with adhesive tape or make a loop out of ribbon beforehand, attach it to the Christmas tree ball and then attach it to the window.
Paper snowflakes
Crafted snowflakesare a particularly popular decoration for window panes and if you are looking for a last minute idea or simply don't have the time to get a lot of materials from the craft store, this idea is the right choice for you. Children also enjoy these types of craft projects because they require nothing more than paper and scissors. The paper is folded several times and then cut in certain places depending on what type of snowflake you want. Here are folding instructions and a few templates for cutting out:
Use paper of any color for crafts
Instructions for folding the paper
Frozen snowflake templates
Cut out folded paper for different snowflakes
Craft ideas for adults with carving knife
A particularly nice ideaentire landscapesthat are cut out of paper. However, do not use simple scissors for this purpose, but rather a carving knife or, alternatively, a carpet knife. Print out any template or draw your own picture. Cities or villages are particularly popular, but of course you can also choose forest or hilly landscapes, as well as other types of landscapesChristmas motifs such as snowmen, Santa Clauses, Christmas trees and others.
You will also need a surface to cut on. There are special cutting mats, but a wooden board is also suitable. You then place your template on this surface. Hold it firmly and start cutting out the design along the contours provided. Then you canself-painted pictureSimply stick it on the window. Below we have a few templates: