Would you like to make your own Christmas gifts for family and friends, but don't know if you have the time? We've put together some easy homemade Christmas gifts that you can make in just a few minutes. Get inspired!
Make your own Christmas gifts that are super easy to make
Sure, it takes a little effort and energy, but that's exactly what makes homemade gifts so special. That's why we've rounded up the best DIY souvenirs, from useful homemade gifts to festive pieces that can double as Christmas decorations that will be remembered for years to come.
Recycled key snowman ornaments
Everyone has extra keys lying around that are no longer needed. Turn them into festive snowman ornaments that you can give as gifts instead of contributing to growing landfills.
Necessary materials:
- Old recycled keys
- White spray paint
- Blumendraht
- Pearls
- Pompoms
- Pipe cleaners
- Substance
- Yarn
- Hot glue gun
- Wire cutters
- Scissors
- Colors: pink, black, orange glitter color
This is how they are made:
- Spray the keys white on both sides; two coats should be enough.
- Make hangers from floral wire: Bend the wire in half to make a loop and twist to secure. You can leave the wire bare or add beads before twisting. Attach it through the hole in the top part of the key.
- Add earmuffs by gluing pieces of pipe cleaners to the top of the key and covering the wire. Add a pom pom to each side.
- Make scarves out of fabric, yarn, pipe cleaners, or even old t-shirts. Use hot glue to attach.
- Dab pink paint onto a brush and blot the excess on a rag. Lightly tap the key to add rosy cheeks.
- Paint eyes and mouths with a toothpick dipped in black paint and noses with a toothpick dipped in orange glitter paint.
Make your own Christmas souvenirs: simple air fresheners
Such a homemade air freshener in the shape of a Christmas tree ensures that the car, wardrobe or office smells fresh. An added bonus: They're made with essential oils, so no harmful chemicals.
To make: Draw the shape of a Christmas tree twice on a piece of fabric. Cut two Christmas trees from the fabric and glue them to the front and back of the ornament. Once dry, soak the fabric with an essential oil of your choice. Thread a hanging string through the hole of the ornament.
DIY crushed glass coasters
These crushed glass coasters take just 3 steps and fabulous magic to make. They are ideal for your Christmas or New Year's Eve party. Learn how to make them here.
What do you need:
- Cork coasters (available in Ikea)
- Decorative fillers (crushed glass or another type of your choice)
- spray paint
- Serviettenkleber (Mod Podge)
This is how they are made:
- Spray paint the cork coasters.
- Take the decorative filler and fill them. You don't want to put too much in, just a thin layer.
- Take the napkin glue and add some to it.
- Mix the decorative fillers with the glue and make sure that the end result is a flat surface, i.e. no glass protruding upwards. One pack of the napkin glue is enough for 4 coasters.
- Allow them to dry for about 24 hours.
Homemade honey and cinnamon face mask
This honey cinnamon face mask is the perfect hydrating, acne-fighting beauty gift that you can make at home in just 5 minutes.
You need:
- 240 ml coconut oil, softened
- 250 g Manuka-Honig
- 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 20 drops of lemon essential oil
Beat all ingredients in a large bowl with a spoon or whisk. Pour the mixture into containers and you're done.
Christmas Bookmark - The perfect gift for book lovers
Make these easy felt Christmas bookmarks asLast minute giftfit very well.
What do you need:
- Red and green felt
- Buttons
- Farbband
- Stickgarn
- Nadel
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
How to make the bookmarks:
- Cut out two large and two small felt circles.
- Use a hot glue gun to glue the small circles onto the large ones, using different colors for each pair of circles.
- Using a needle and thread, attach buttons to the felt circles.
- Cut a piece of ribbon (use a book to determine the length you need) and glue each end to the back of the felt circles.
- Hot glue the backs of the circles to the felt pieces.
- Once dry, cut out the access felt around the large circles (this will give you circles that are exactly the same size as the large circles).
Make your own Christmas souvenir: plastic spoon Christmas tree
If you still have some plastic spoons left, you can surprise your family and friends with a unique Christmas tree made of plastic spoons!
Necessary materials:
- Paper mache Christmas tree shape
- Plastic spoon
- spray paint
- Hot glue
Step-by-step instructions:
- First you need to cut off the tips of the spoons. Do not break them because they break very easily.
- Once you have about 100 cut, place them face down on paper and spray them with your desired spray paint.
- When all the spoons are dry, hot glue them to the papier-mâché mold starting from the bottom.
- You can vary the spacing on the different layers so that the spoons alternate. Keep working your way up untilthe Christmas tree is finishedis.