Make your own modern Christmas decorations – 40 creative ideas made from paper

In recent years, more and more families have given up traditional Christmas decorations and especially the real Christmas tree. The cheerful Christmas atmosphere would not be disturbed in any way if you took care of the decoration yourself and made beautiful, modern Christmas decorations yourself. Of course, all family members can take part in this, because then the craft afternoon is guaranteed to be even more fun.

If you don't want to miss out on a Christmas tree, thenmake onefrom paper funnels or cardboard. You can find an inspiring idea for different variants and two videos in the photo gallery below. Just think beforehand about which material is best suited for the future location of the decoration - solid cardboard or rather newspaper. A great trend that is becoming popular as a modern Christmas decoration in a minimalist style is to decorate a bouquet of twigs or branches instead of pine branches.

If you want to move a little further away from the classic Christmas clichés, then you've come to the right place. Geometric folding figures made of cardboard or paper, which are also known as Platonic solids, are wonderfully suitable as modern decoration in a minimalist style. You can find templates for the hollow bodies at the bottom of the picture gallery and you can probably find a few more on the internet.

For festive Christmas decorations, use wrapping paper or cardboard in beautiful colors. Pastel colors or Christmas tree decorations in silver, gold and the monochrome colors black and white are very modern. Print out a template of the geometric folding figure you want and use it as a template. Cut out the figure as precisely as possible, fold it along the marked dot line and secure it with transparent adhesive tape. Before the whole figure is completely finished and closed, don't forget to add a thread for hanging.

If you want to make a beautiful decoration out of paper, you can choose between several geometric folding figures. There are five Platonic hollow bodies in total - tetrahedron made of 4 equal triangles, hexahedron or cube and octahedron made of 8 equal triangles, dodecahedron made of 12 equal pentagons and icosahedron made of 20 equal triangles. Other interesting geometric figures for folding are different pyramids, which can have a square, hexagonal or other shaped base. Choose the ones you find beautiful and decorate your home in a stylish and unique way.