Let it snow: Everyone is happy when there is a blanket of snow at Christmas. Unfortunately, the chances of a white Christmas this year are not that good. However, with a little creativity we can create a Christmas atmosphere at home. In today's article we will explain to you how to make a snow globe out of a paper platecraft with the childrencan.
Make your own snow globe out of a paper plate: quick craft idea for the holidays
At Christmas the whole family gets together and enjoys the time. However, keeping the children busy during the holidays can prove to be a difficult task. A cool craft idea can stimulate their creativity and is also a good activity while the parents prepare food or simply a change from watching TV. You need the following materials:
- a paper plate
- a transparent smaller disposable plate
- artificial snow
- A Christmas coloring page with various Christmas motifs that can be cut out
- Discolored
- a flat brush
- Hot glue and glue for paper
- a pair of scissors
First, paint the paper plate a color of your choice. Then cut out the different Christmas motifs from the template and paint them in cheerful colors. Arrange the individual elements on the paper plate and glue them in place. Sprinkle them with glitter. Place half a handful of fake snow in the middle of the plate. Then stick the smaller disposable plate on top (the bottom facing up). You should glue the two plates together without any gaps, otherwise the artificial snow will fall out of the snow globe when you shake it.
Paper plate snow globe for children for Christmas: make a penguin
Alternatively, you can choose a Christmas motif and make it out of cardboard. To make a cute penguin, do the following: Cut out the silhouette from white cardboard (you can use a template for a Santa Claus). Decorate the penguin with a scarf, hat and eye glasses made from colorful cardboard. You can also use a motif hole punch and punch out snowflakes in different colors from cardboard. Make the fins out of black pipe cleaners and the beak out of orange cardboard. You can also decorate the penguin figure with glitter.
Then you can put the snow globe together: Glue the penguin figure in the middle of the large plate, place some artificial snow on top and now also glue the transparent plate in place.
Make a snow globe with the children: felt figures
By the way, you can also cut out the figures for the snow globe from felt. You will need white, orange and blue felt fabric, sprinkle decorations (snowflakes, stars, etc.), thread, several green, three black and several brown mini pom-poms and of course hot glue. Cut out the snowman silhouette from white felt. You need two black pom-poms for the eyes, a triangle of orange felt for the nose, and several brown pom-poms for the mouth. You can use a piece of knitting yarn for the scarf and several green pom-poms for the buttons. Assemble the snowman, then cut out a circle of blue felt and glue the snowman figure onto it.
Make your own paper snow globe for Christmas
You definitely have to make the figure for the snow globe yourself. You can also cut these figures out of wrapping paper. This way you can put together different pictures with Christmas motifs. Matching motifsChristmas are among others:
- Fir trees
- The polar bear
- Christmas villages
- houses
- Gingerbread man
- Snowmen
- Penguins
You can also paint snow or a winter landscape on the plates as a background.
Make your own snow globe with kindergarten age children
Are you looking for a creative craft idea for Christmas? Then you can make a snow globe with the children out of paper. Using the large paper plate as a template, draw a circle on white cardstock. Then have the children paint a Christmas motif. If the children find it difficult, you can sketch the outline.
Make your own snow globe with a photo
Have you taken beautiful photos with the family? Then you can display them creatively. Cut out the child's silhouette and glue it to a light blue paper plate. Fill the plate halfway with artificial snow. Also scatter several stars made from glittery cardboard. Write the child's name and date below. Then attach the transparent plate. The finished snow globe is also a nice gift for the grandparents.
Homemade snow globe made from paper plates as a Christmas decoration
Perhaps the biggest advantage of the paper plate snow globe is that it can be displayed in many different ways. Whether as a window or wall decoration in the children's room: the shaking glass is guaranteed to create a Christmas atmosphere. It is also a nice gift for the educator, teacher or grandparents.