Christmas decoration with a ring: How to decorate a decorative ring with dried flowers, fir greens and balls

Christmas is approaching and soonthe first Advent. Now is the right time to decorate the front door festively and get the family in the Christmas spirit. Christmas decorations with rings are particularly popular at the moment. In today's article we will explain to you how you can make Christmas decorations yourself using a decorative ring made of wood or metal.

Make your own traditional Christmas decorations with a ring

One or more decorative rings form the basis for homemade door, wall and window decorations. In craft shops you can find decorative rings with a diameter of 5 to 50 cm. Models made of metal are particularly suitable for outdoor use. Wooden decorative rings can decorate the living room wall. Alternatively, you can also use a barrel ring.

What you decorate the decorative ring with depends on your own preferences. If you are interested in onetraditional Christmas decorationsdecide, then the following elements must not be missing:

1. Evergreen tree branches: Fir, pine and conifer branches are suitable for outdoor use. They can tolerate frost and snow well. If you want to hang the Christmas decorations in the house, then you can choose cypress branches. Eucalyptus can also tolerate temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius. Fresh eucalyptus branches dry directly on the wreath and then turn copper.

2. Cones, cotton and various (inedible) berries. These natural materials also last a very long time.

3. LED candles made of real wax look very similar to real wax candles. There are also models that are equipped with a sensor and can be blown on or off.

4. If desired: wooden balls, knitting yarn and classic Christmas figures.

Decorate the decorative ring with evergreen branches

The first step in crafting is to trim the evergreen branches. If the decorative ring has a diameter of 40 cm, you should cut it to a length of 15 cm. For smaller or larger decorative rings, the length is adjusted accordingly.

Then the binding begins. It is best to tie the evergreen branches together with berry branches into small bouquets. Then place them on the ring and glue them in place. The bundles are arranged so that the ends are not visible.

In contrast to a wreath, the upper part of the decorative rings is left free. If you want, you can first wrap the decorative ring with red knitting yarn.

Christmas village in a ring and decorative rings with different figures

If you want to spice up your decorative ring, you can also decorate it with Christmas decorations. Houses made of clay cardboard, Christmas trees made of bottle brushes and various animal figures are suitable.

In addition, the wall decoration can be decorated with checked fabric, fabric bows andhomemade dwarvesbe decorated from socks. The bells, preferably made of bronze, should not be missing either.

Modern Christmas decoration: Decorate the ring with balls

In contrast to classic designs, a Christmas decoration with a ring and colorful balls looks modern. Combinations of large and small balls are particularly popular. Boldly combine colors and shapes – a modern Christmas decoration should be colorful and unusual.

Alternatively, you can opt for a minimalist Christmas decoration. Silver balls, Christmas trees made of bottle brushes and fir greenery in a frosty look form an attractive and at the same time reserved ensemble. Our tip: Wrap a chain of lights around the decorative ring so that you can showcase it effectively in the evening.

Make creative Christmas decorations yourself: decorate the decorative ring with flowers

Similar to the Christmas door wreath, the decorative ring can also be decorated with fresh, artificial or dried flowers. The fresh flowers add a natural touch to the Christmas decorations. The dried flowers bring a romantic touch from the past into the home and the artificial flowers create a durable arrangement.

Our tip: Attach the fresh flowers individually to the ring. This allows you to quickly replace them after they wilt.

Make puristic Christmas decorations

Purist Christmas decorations have successfully established themselves as a trend. Without great opulence and as naturally as possible – this is how more and more people are decorating their houses. If you decide on a simple arrangement, use several wooden decorative rings. They play beautifully with pine greenery, fairy lights and stylized bells.

If you want, you can give the puristic decoration more character and decorate it with family photos from the last celebration.

A puristic wreath can also be easily staged with other decorative elements such as garlands and ceramic figures.

You can also illuminate the minimalist wreath by wrapping a battery-operated string of lights around the decorative ring and branches.

Making a Christmas decoration with a ring is really easy. They require significantly fewer materials than a wreath and are also much easier to attach. Experiment with colors and shapes and let your creativity run wild.