Calluses on the big toe: How you can successfully remove thick calluses with home remedies!

Calluses that refuse to go away may require an appointment with a podiatrist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Below, discover how you can remove calluses on your big toe at home – all you need are a few home remedies! No chemical agents are required!

What is a thick callus on the big toe?

Foto: Kotin/ Shutterstock

The thickening and hardening of the skin that occurs as a result of repeated pressure or friction is called calluses. This layer of skin forms naturally as a protective mechanism for the underlying skin. It often occurs on the balls of the feet as well as the toes and their sides. Unless these severe calluses are painful or you are not aware of their appearance, many people do not bother to treat them. However, it is a good idea to regularly remove the toe calluses at home!

Important tip:Do not attempt to treat calluses yourself with callus files if you have diabetes or poor circulation. This is important because even a small cut or scratch on the foot can develop into an ulcer or infected open wound. Better use a pumice stone: you can find it in this articlehelpful information for diabetics.

Heel and toe calluses – causes

Photo: SrideeStudio/Shutterstock

These are some of the main causes of toe calluses:

  • Uncomfortable footwear:If you get calluses on the side of your big toe or on the balls of your feet, this is usually the reason. Friction and pressure can occur in shoes if they are very tight or have parts that touch the skin. Calluses and thick skin on the balls of the feet, for example, are a common complaint among women who constantly walk in high heels.
  • You are constantly on your feet, whether you are walking, running or standing: Repetitive movements that irritate the skin on the feet, whether at work or during sports, are considered physically demanding.
  • They wear shoes without socks.
  • An incorrect gait, that is, excessive stress on the inside or outside of the foot.

Pro tip:If you want to make sure you get shoes that fit, it's best to go shopping late in the day when your feet are still a little swollen. Also, have your foot measured with a measuring device at a shoe store so you can buy shoes that fit perfectly.

Foto: New Africa/ Shutterstock

It takes time and persistence, but you can also remove toe calluses at home. To avoid skin injury, bleeding, and infection, never use sharp instruments to scrape or reduce a thick layer of skin. If you are otherwise healthy, you can try these methods for removing the top layer of skin.

Warm foot bath and then pumice stone

The cornea shouldin a warm foot bathbe soaked - you should wait 10 - 20 minutes. This makes the skin more supple, which makes it easier to remove the calluses.

To remove a callus, you can use a pumice stone. A foot file is another option.Rub the calluses in circular or side-to-side movements.

Note the following: Removing too much skin at once can cause discomfort and infection, so rub the toes gently and repeat the soaking procedure after a few days. This allows you to completely remove the calluses layer by layer after several sessions.

Apply cream at the end

Applying a moisturizing lotion or cream to your feet is the next step.

Epsom salt is good for your feet

Foto: Creative Cat Studio/ Shutterstock

A bath with warm water and Epsom salts is an effective remedy for calluses. In preparation for further treatments, such as exfoliating with a pumice stone or foot file, Epsom salt can help soften the top layer of skin. To relieve skin discomfort, soak your feet in a wash bowl filled with warm water and a handful of Epsom salts for 10 minutes.

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Apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for beautiful feet

The strong oneAcidity of apple cider vinegarhelps the cornea become softer. Soak your calluses in a mixture of 4 parts water and 1 part apple cider vinegar for about 20 minutes. You can then remove a little callus on the large foot with the foot file.

Castor oil for soft skin

Foto: Julia Shutikova/ Shutterstock

To soften the skin and make it easier to remove calluses, you should use castor oil. Soak your feet in a bath of warm water and 5 teaspoons of castor oil. The castor oil not only has a calming effect, but also lubricates the rough skin and makes it softer.

Baking soda paste as a natural peeling

An alternative to commercially available peels isa paste made from baking powder. Mix a bit of water and enough baking soda to make a good paste. Then add a few drops of lemon juice. Put on stockings after applying the paste. To remove calluses, use the paste again at night.

AndWhat exactly does a podiatrist do?? An interesting video on the topic:

@docpodsThick cracked big toe hard skin (callus) removed with scalpel by Australian podiatrist#callus #corn #podiatrist #australia #ergonx #docpods #satisfying ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

Cover image: – Yuri A/ Shutterstock