Make a Christmas card with an angel – great ideas for attractive homemade greeting cards

At Christmas you want to bring joy to your loved ones and send warm wishes for the coming year. The self-made cards are a very special treat. The recipient will certainly appreciate the individual and lovingly designed greeting cards. In today's article you will find ideas and inspiration on how you can make a beautiful Christmas card with an angel. The craft suggestions require little material and are easy to do, which is why you are welcome to involve your children.

Make a Christmas card with an angel – a popular winter motif

There are many Christmas motifs that can be used in festive decorations. When you design a Christmas greeting card yourself, you not only think about the beautiful look but also about the symbolism that the chosen motif carries. The angels are fascinating creatures that are a popular motif during Advent and Christmas. Both children and adults will love a sweet little angel on a homemade Christmas card. Who so his friends and relativesthe dearest Christmas greetingsIf you want to accompany you with a guardian angel, you are on the right track with such a card.

with paper angels

If you would like to make greeting cards with children, angel figures are ideal for children of kindergarten age and school children to make themselves. Toddlers will need your help, but may be able to participate in the coloring and gluing or take over entirely. Our first craft project is easy to implement and suitable for younger children. First, get some colored cardboard. If you would like to make a fold-out card yourself, cut the cardboard to the desired size and fold it in the middle.

In order for you or your child to put together a simple angel figure out of paper, you need to cut out a circle for the head, a triangle for the dress and a heart for the angel wings. Alternatively, the wings can be designed from a semicircle. You can of course use stencils for the figure, which you simply transfer onto the craft paper. Your child can draw a cute face and golden hair on the cut out circle.

There are no limits to your imagination when designing the angel figure. You can of course determine the color combinations and the different designs according to your own ideas or, ideally, coordinate them with the personal preferences of the recipient. Advanced crafters can cut out a halo from glittery gold or silver paper or create one using glue and glitter powder. A halo made of flexible plush would also be a great eye-catcher. The angel dress can also be beautifully decorated with small ornaments such as stars and hearts.

Handmade Christmas card

If you would like to make your own Christmas greeting card with an attractive and modern look, then you also have the option of drawing a delicate angel figure. The recipient will certainly be happy with an abstract and funny interpretation of the angel figure. The girl angel in the picture above was drawn with black felt-tip pen. Fine accents in yellow make the card look more cheerful. You can use watercolor to paint a great abstract dress for the sweet angel. A lettering “Merry Christmas”, “All the best” or perhaps simply “Your guardian angel” will put a smile on the recipient's face.

To do this, you can draw the outline of the angel on the cardboard and let your child color it in with watercolors. Using a template, even beginners can depict a sweet angel with a trumpet, a heart or a star in his hand. An angel reading or a singing angel are also suitable motifs for self-made cards. To make your drawing look like a real picture, you can create a border with a contrasting color or with rhinestones.

With handprint

If you want to do crafts with children at Christmas or in the winter, you can create lots of great works of art with colored hand, foot and fingerprints. The children love it when their palms are covered with finger paint and are overjoyed when they can leave their little prints here and there. If you have already stuck the paper angel on your Christmas card, your little ones can leave their handprints instead of wings.

The entire figure can also be used exclusivelydesign with hand and footprints. Paint your child's hand or foot blue and make the print in the center of the card. For the wings, the hands are painted in a lighter color and the prints are made on both sides of the angel's dress. Let your little ones paint the head and give the angel a face. Grandma and Grandpa will be overwhelmed when they see this creative Christmas greeting card.

Make effective cards for Christmas

If you would like to make a card for Christmas, you can easily implement the following idea. Here we decided on a card that can be set up by folding it over. All you need is a square piece of cardboard on which you can design the angel shape diagonally. The angel wings and the dress can be folded back, creating a great effect.

If you want to amaze friends and relatives with handmade Christmas cards, you canDesign an attractive 3D map. You can use thicker construction paper for the angel's dress, folding it like a harmonica and gluing it in place. For the hair you can use wool or ribbon cut into thin slices. If you would like to add arms and legs to the cute guardian angel, you can use raffia by tying small knots into it.

You are also welcome to design the angel wings in three dimensions. To do this, you need to make a loop from two parts, which you then glue into place using a button and keep it in shape. The cute singing angel looks great on the golden background. The angel hair made from liquid glue and glitter powder gives the card the finishing touch.

Angel wings as a motif for the Christmas greeting card

If you would like to design a Christmas card with the angel motif yourself, you can also recreate just the angel wings. This card looks very elegant and fine, with the wings with a glittering border serving as a closure. A good example of how you can create a beautiful greeting card with little material and time investment, and not just for Christmas.