Organizing your home can seem daunting when you want to create order in a systematic way. Unless you're naturally disorganized, your home can sometimes feel chaotic. However, even organized people do not have magical powers. You simply stick to tried and true habits and tricks that soon become second nature. You can do the same by following some practical rules and starting your own house rules that will help you live better.
How you can create order using simple steps and a system
First and foremost, you should think about how you do itOptimize space in your homecan. The practice of placing items in a specific place every time is the difference between people who always lose their keys, glasses, and wallets and those who rarely misplace anything. When everything you own is your ownspace in your homethere is never a question of where to put it. However, if an item is always lying around somewhere, it would be advisable to consider whether you still need it in your life.
Additionally, you can be organized and chaotic at the same time. Even if you are naturally messy, you can portray yourself as organized. This would be possible by grouping your possessions into bins by category. These make the disorder look intentional. For example, throw your shoes in a large woven basket, store winter gloves and hats in a cute storage box by the door, or put all the remote controls in an attractive tray on the coffee table.
Fill a bag with unused items
You can also follow other rules for unnecessary things. Always keep a shopping bag in your home for items that you realize you no longer want or need. After the bag is filled, you can donate or throw away whatever is inside. If you really miss something, you'll go to the bag to get it shortly after you put it there. If you don't reach for it, you will know for sure that this was not a useful item for you.
Create more order with a system of space-saving options
In any home, it is always a good idea to have enough hooks. Furthermore, you can never have too much of it. Attach these handy storage items to the back of doors, walls or anywhere you need a little extra storage space. Instead of throwing your jacket over the banister or letting your bathrobe fall to the floor, get into the habit of hanging it neatly on a hook.
Look for creative storage options
Imagine bringing a new item into your home. It doesn't matter whether it's new clothes, toys or new books. In such cases, you should also take a close look at the items you already own. For example, is there a shirt in your closet that you haven't worn in over a year that you could replace with a new item of clothing? If so, you might consider donating the item. Additionally, you can get creative with your storage containers. Just because something wasn't intended for storage doesn't mean it can't be a great storage solution for the right items. For example, to avoid an unsightly pile of umbrellas at the front door, you can store the umbrellas upright in a large vase or bucket.
Live minimalistically and create order systematically
While definitions of minimalism vary, the basic premise is that you only live with things you absolutely need. The fewer things you own, the easier it is to organize them. Additionally, in most cases, minimalism also means buying fewer items, so you may also want to rethink your shopping habits. A clever trick you can use is to limit the space for non-specific items in your home to an all-purpose drawer. Limit their size and limit the space to necessary but difficult-to-categorize objects. When that junk drawer reaches its limits, it's a sign that it's time to sort through and throw away unimportant items.
Store small in large and look beyond traditional storage
For example, you can also try storing smaller items inside larger ones. Think about all the plastic bags you've shoved under your kitchen sink or the boxes you've carelessly thrown into your garage. Instead of stacking cardboard or bundling the bags, stuff or stack everything together so it takes up less space and is easily accessible when needed.
You can also use the classic method to store smaller suitcases in larger suitcases and small wallets in large handbags. In addition, you can ignore traditional applications for storage products. The so-called tackle box may be intended for fishing equipment, for example, but you can use any product anywhere if it works for you. Sort earrings in it or put handbags on a shelf designated for books.
Use space-saving means and store toys
Shoe bags can help you pack a lot of items into a shallow, or oddly shaped closet without shelves. Also use these handy bags for cleaning supplies, craft supplies, toys and more. If you have children or pets, you can also take their toys with you in the car so they aren't all scattered around the house at the same time. Save 50 to 75 percent of your toddler's stuffed animals and your dog's squeaky toys. Swap them out from time to time so that your little ones always have “new” toys.
Create order systematically through vertical storage
Another good idea is to make the most of vertical storage for your home. If storage space is at a premium, don't neglect the tops of high places like your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets. This will likely require you to stand on a step stool to reach the stored items. However, storing less-used items high up keeps them away from kitchen counters and other areas with clutter.
Also, get rid of some items that you don't need. Organized people don't wait until their lives require a massive organizational overhaul. Instead, you look for ways to get a little more organized. When purchasing new furniture, look for stools, beds and benches with additional storage space. Don't let sentimental clutter hold you back. It's easy to fall into the trap of assigning sentimental value to everything you own. However, this makes it almost impossible to get rid of unnecessary clutter. So learn to let go because after all an object is just an object.