We'll show you 50 ideas on how you can make original Christmas cards yourself - let yourself be inspired by the creative suggestions and create loving greeting cards for your family and friends! Let the children help, because here you will find painting ideas that are suitable even for toddlers of kindergarten age.
Make a pretty card together with the child. Press a template with popular motif/angel,Santa Claus, Rudolf the reindeer/ from. Color the template (you can also leave this task to the children). Then decorate the greeting card with glitter stones or spray it with glitter spray. Glue felt or fabric details /eyes, nose, mouth/ onto it. You can make Santa Claus' beard out of cotton. Complete! Now all that remains is to lovingly label the card.
You can create an original card using natural materials. Color the fall leaves in accent colors and glue rose hips, cinnamon sticks and pine cones to the card. If you don't have time for excursions into nature, you can simply cut out nature motifs out of paper and paint them in cheerful colors. In the photo gallery below you will find further exampleshomemade Christmas cards– choose your favorite design and get inspired!