What could fit for Christmas better than a fragrant, real tree? But which tree is the perfect Christmas tree? Which fir smell best, ask yourself! The selection is large - many different tree species are bred especially for Christmas - and there are many things to consider: size, shape, needles, branches, abundance and fragrance. Although many types of evergreen trees grow in different regions in the country, you will find a list of the 7 most popular fragrant Christmas tree species here.
1. Balsam fir is best fragrant
Which fir smells best? The balm fir - a variety that occurs primarily in the northeast - leads the list of the best fragrant Christmas trees. Another advantage is that it is hardy and keeps your needles better than some other Christmas tree species. The balm fir has shiny dark green needles with 2 white or gray stoma tires on the underside. The tips are blunt, rounded or notched.Your tapIf 5-10 cm long, dark purple begins and become gray-brown and resinous in ripe. As soon as the seeds are ripe, the scales fall off so that only the central axis of the tap remains. The tree has a narrow, symmetrical, pointed, dense crown and develops along the tribe blowing from an oily resin (balm). The balm fir grows pyramid -shaped and thrives best in colder climate zones.
2. Giant fir prefers a dry climate
The Grand Fir, which is located in the northwest of the northwest and named according to its impressive size, looks very similar to the balm fir, with an attractive conical shape and short, dark green needles.Also in relation to the fragrancecan compete with the balm fir. The giant fir prefers a drier climate than the other firs. It usually grows in mixed coniferous forests with Douglasia, western hemlock fir and western white pine as well as on the ground with false boxwood and banking pine.
3. Fraser fir is resistant
The Fraser fir is very popular-especially because it is so resistant that it survives transport. The Fraser is known for its strong, robust branches and its excellent needle strength, so that he can even wear the heaviest ornaments in their collection. Fraser firs are located in the higher locations of the southern Appalaches. You will be commercially for saleAs Christmas treesGuarded and are unsurpassed because of their fresh fragrance and their symmetrical form for the Christmas season. You also have the advantage that the soft texture of your needles is preserved after cutting so that you do not sting your hands when hanging out of jewelry. The tree lasts a very long time before the needles dry out and drop.
The noble fir is characterized by its beautiful blue-green color, its gentle, evergreen fragrance and above all by its remarkably symmetrical silhouette. Your bark is silvery-gray and the needles are gray-green or light blue-gray. The stiff, short branches grow almost horizontally. The crown of the young tree is conical and develops a round shape in ripening. The tree is very durable and only begins with seed formation at the age of around 50. The noble fir offers many different birds, including titms and glans, and other animals. Their dense leaves offer shelter and winter protection for wild animals.
5. Douglastanne is one of the best -selling trees
Douglasia, a genus of about six types of evergreen trees from the family of the needle tree, is located in western North America and eastern Asia. The trees are important wood trees. Although it is not a real fir, Douglasia is one of the best -sellingChristmas trees that wideand are broadly sent. It is not the most fragrant tree on the list, but still smells sweet to evergreen and is easy to find everywhere, no matter where you live. However, Douglasien throw off their needles like crazy when they dry out. So if you choose Douglasia this year, you should pour them generously.
6. Colorado fir is suitable for colder regions
This species is a majestic, spreading, evergreen conifer that can become up to 40 m high. The needles are blue -green on both sides and exude a lemon scent when they are squeezed. The Colorado fir is a decorative tree, solitaire tree. It is a very popular Christmas tree and one of the most frequently grown firs in gardens in the west. The conifer is particularly suitable for the colder regions. She loves cold winter and cool summer and grows into a dramatic, tower -like tree with a strong central trunk and horizontal branch.
7. Korea fir has a citrus fragrance
Like other firs, the Korean fir is a short, evergreen conifer with the typical pyramid -shaped growth shape, which makes firs so popular as Christmas trees. However, this tree is also ideal as a landscape tree, since many varieties are not higher than about 9 m - much smaller than many other species. Korean firs have density branches with short needles that are dark green on the top and silvery on the underside. They produce unmistakable, about 5 cm long cones, which are initially purple and later become light brown. This evergreen tree is known for its relatively slow growth, especially in the first few years. The tree has a pleasant citrus fragrance.