If book ideas with templates and sayings: How to make imaginative gifts

Whether for special occasions such as family celebrations and anniversaries or for celebrations such as Christmas and Easter: homemade gifts are always well received. If you want to give the recipient joy, you can choose an If book. Small gifts are distributed on 10 to 50 sheets along with inspiring sayings. Sweets, cosmetics, etc. are creatively presented in this way. The presents don't have to be big or expensive, the recipient will definitely appreciate the nice gesture and the surprise. And crafting fun is guaranteed for you. We have put together 20 DIY ideas for you. They are well suited even for beginners. You can easily complete the craft task in a weekend. We have included templates for all pages at the end of the article.

If book ideas: Creatively design the cover and pages

If you want to surprise someone, you can collect various little things from your own household and stick them on the pages. In principle, an If book is very similar to the Advent calendar. It's not about buying expensive gifts for friends and family, but rather inspiring them with funny quotes and sayings. Of course, you can also hide tickets for your favorite band between the soaps, glasses cleaning cloths, etc. In addition, many presents prove to be extremely helpful in everyday life.

For the cover, you can create a patchwork of several fabrics, colored paper and decorative ribbons. When it comes to the individual pages, creativity is most important. We have put together several ideas for you, and you can find templates for all of them at the bottom of the article. Print out the templates and decorate them with drawings, rhinestones or decorative beads.

What sayings can the pages contain?

Basically, we can divide the sayings that are suitable for an If book into two categories. The first is forinspirational sayingsthat put friends or family members in a happy mood or give them courage in bad times. Example: “When you lack perspective,” “When you see everything gray,” “When you run out of luck,” etc. The second category is for gifts and sayings that have to support the recipient in everyday life. For example: “When you're bored,” “When you want to let your creativity run wild,” etc. So that the gift doesn't seem boring, you should preferably combine several sayings and gifts from the first category with several quotes and gifts from the second category combine. In the photo gallery below you will find some suggestions for combinations. Get inspired and put together your own If book.

For anyone who needs an energy boost: batteries

Shoe plasters are given as a gift for the saying “If your shoe hurts”.

For creative people – a mandala drawing to color in

Balloons help against everyday stress

If there is no time left to cook, then cook a ready-made soup

If a friend gets really stinky, they could really use some homemade soap

Playing cards help when you're bored

An eraser is a fun gift

Straws for everyone who likes to go to parties

Wish candles for special occasions

Three coins that are said to bring good luck according to Feng Shui teachings

Confetti puts you in a good mood

A cosmetic mirror is a practical gift for every woman

Fennel tea is good for the stomach

You should always be able to rely on your friends and family
